If you would like to be on a list of parents in the neighborhood who would like to trade off babysitting or find friends to play with, e-mail hamilej@ci,denver.co.us or call 720-913-8824 and indicate the sex and ages of your kids in order to hook up with other like age kids.
Childcare/Babysitting Co-op/Babysitters/Dogsitters Wanted
"childcare provider wanted for my 9 year-old daughter. If you run your own childcare or are a senior citizen or very responsible teen and can drive to the swimming pool and other activities, are available for a few weeks in July & August (and perhaps you're already taking care of younger siblings), and enjoy kids, please contact: Marsha Miller, 303/773-3902 after 5 pm weekdays, and weekends between after 10:00 am. Also looking for evening babysitters, and dog-sitters.