September 17, 2009 Notification for District Seven Residents from Captain Jessup, MPD
There has been a slight increase in house burglaries in District Seven. The majority of these burglaries are occuring during the daytime and in most of the offenses, a large flat screen television is taken. Other electronic items such as digital cameras and lap tops are also being stolen. A burglar will pick the easiest and quickest way into your house. If your door is flimsy and not securited with a dead bolt lock or you leave your windows unlocked or lopen for ventilation, you are an easy target.
Large screen televisions are very popular and can be seen from the sidewalk if you have them in your living room. At night, they are even more visible from the street. Consider where you are placing these televisions in your house and how you can change your window dressings so that your television cannot be seen from the outside.
Most burglars get caught because a neighbor spotted them kicking in a door or prying open a window. We have additional officers patrolling the neighborhoods, but we need your help. If you see a stranger prowling around your neighbor's house, knocking on the front door and then suddenly disappearing or even carrying items, please contact the police at 911 and report your suspicions.