Portland Police Officer Scott Westerman informed us that he is the new Senior Neighborhood Officer for several SW neighborhoods, including Hayhurst. He will be available to work with neighborhoods on safety and crime issues. We are pleased to have such a strong advocate for livability to act as a liaison with the police department.
Land Use:
There is a plan for a small subdivision in the adjoining neighborhood of Maplewood. We have some concerns for the health of Vermont Creek, which runs through the proposed subdivision and on through Hayhurst Neighborhood. We will write a letter to the Hearings Officer voicing our concerns.
Randy Leonard, City Commissioner, will attend the January SWNI board meeting. It is an open meeting and everyone is welcome to attend.
Parks and Environment:
Parks is working on a plan to survey use of school fields to help in the discussion of the decision by Portland Public Schools to dispense of “excess” property.
Andrew Aebi, PDOT, attended the December meeting and updated us on the new city code relating to Local Improvement Districts (LIDs). Two important changes were noted: The Bureau of Environmental Services will chip in some money to help pay for the storm water run off portion of new LIDs, and the new code implements “expanded maintenance” which allows residents to use heavy equipment to fix unimproved roads near their house. Please see the code for restrictions.
Letters have been sent to PDOT from our NA, Bridlemile Neighborhood Association and SWNI requesting an investigation of pedestrian safety crossing Beaverton Hillsdale Highway between 56th and 65th Streets.
SW Trails:
The Safe Routes to School plan will go to the SWNI board for approval this month.
Everyone is encouraged to attend one of the open houses regarding the proposed ice rink at Pioneer Courthouse Square to give your opinion. There will be an open house at the Multnomah Center, January 28 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm.
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