Heights of Westover Hills

HOA Meeting Minutes 11 Feb 06

May 20, 2006

Minutes of Heights at Westover Hills Meeting of 2/11/06

Promptly at 2:00pm, the Board of Directors in attendance, Malcolm Gay and Hector Carrillo announced commencement of the informal meeting taking place on February 11, 2006. Malcolm opened by welcoming all in attendance. He begins meeting by letting everyone know Janie Salinas, secretary/treasurer on the Board of Directors has moved and a position is available. He also states there will be more discussion about this matter later.
Next, Malcolm offers the opportunity for new neighbors of the Heights to introduce themselves. They are as follows:
Lisa Miles at 9122 Thomas York
Felix & Linda Esquivel of 9114 Thomas York
Aaron Hawes of 1570 Townsend House

Malcolm informs everyone to let their neighbors not in attendance know they?’re missing a lot!
Next item of discussion are neighborhood current events. Biggest news is streetlights are in and working. The location of lights are in the pool parking area, end of Springhouse cul-de-sac, intersection of Springhouse and Dapple Grey, and in Dapple Grey cul-de-sac. As for the situation with the gates, they are now repaired and in working order. What caused them to be out of order was as the streetlights were being installed by Zachry Construction the second week of December, 2005, one of their trailers was caught on the gate as it was closing. Zachry Construction now states they are not at fault. In order to get the gates back up and running, money was taken from the HOA bank account for the repair. Now for final settlement, it is between the insurance company and our homeowner?’s association. There are funds totaling 10% set aside for contingencies, but currently there is not a lot left to cover more of these kinds of expenses-in other words, monies are available but in affect, need to have Zachry Construction pay for damage and repair. Bea Arredondo asked about any kind of deductible on insurance and the possibility of getting City Public Service involved as Zachry Construction was their subcontractor for the streetlight installation. Malcolm stated the situation is being worked. The reason it took so long to get gates back in working order (from December to end of January) was due to the holidays, arranging estimates and then the announcement by Zachry Construction on February 1, 2006 they were not at fault. Gates, as stated moments before, are now fixed. The next step in process is getting our money back.
The next items discussed are new codes in directory, grounds, parking and CCR?’s. Malcolm lets everyone know if a new code needs to be entered, please let him know so it can be entered in the directory system as well as if there are any problems with the system itself or codes. As to grounds in our neighborhood, they belong to everybody as members of the homeowners association. There have been complaints about skateboarding in the pool area and using the picnic tables as ramps. This is a danger to the individual, not to mention the damage to the area. On the subject of parking, the situation is better but there is still no allowable parking on the street. If a home has relatives in town visiting, give the management company a call to let them know and about how long guests are expected to stay. As to the CCR?’s (Codes, Covenants & Restrictions), all homeowners should have copy. This is typically part of the paperwork included in the closing appointment on the purchase of a home in our neighborhood. If for some reason there isn?’t a copy, please contact the Association office. They can provide a copy for a fee, but it is also posted on our HOA web page. The purpose of our CCR?’s is to keep all of our homes?’ value on the increase. Obviously, this is a benefit to us all as a neighborhood.
Malcolm next announces upcoming events. These are working to correct the greenbelt and repairs to the pool. This coming fall 2006, will be getting estimates to repair the cracks and the possibility of adding a water fill line. In last year?’s budget, $5000 was estimated for these repairs, bids came in at $11,000. Therefore, the estimate was not enough. This year, funds for these repairs are there. Several questions were asked about the pool: How serious are the cracks, when will repairs be taking place, and is pool currently able to be used. The other question was about money for the pool. Why was it taking so long to get funding for these repairs and to have the repairs actually done. Malcolm reiterated that last year the estimate of how much to set aside for this item was way below the bids received, and as a consequence the budget wouldn?’t allow money to be taken from other expenses. So the decision had to be made to wait another budget year. Also, it takes time to get estimates and review them, then to schedule for the actual work to be performed. All agreed that it wouldn?’t be the best scenario to schedule repairs to be done in the heat of summer (at the height of pool season) when it?’s certain everyone would want to enjoy a cool swim! Beyond complaints about pool, it was agreed that the pool should be made a priority project.
Questions were raised about the management company. What is its actual purpose? Malcolm responded by stating the purpose of the management company is to take care of administrative items such as billing for dues, paying expenses and managing contracts that the HOA enters into. Again, pool will be fixed this year! No money was made this year but pool was budgeted (money has been set aside). The subject of a playground for the neighborhood was brought up. As the HOA has a $30,000 operating budget, what is the possibility of doing an investment to raise funds? Several homeowners think it?’s a good idea to have for children in the neighborhood. What with our cyclical turnover, it would be an added value. The dissenters to this project countered with the homeowners that really wanted a playground have moved away. After brief discussion, the agreement was to repair the pool for this year and make the playground a subject for the next big project.
Malcolm moves on to the next item on the agenda, the entry area around the gates. Malcolm asks for volunteers to assist with moving shrubs and bushes and offers to set a date in the next few weeks for this project. Malcolm states ?“Why volunteer?”? Landscaping company could probably do the job, but it?’s expensive. Malcolm also asks for help with the lights on the pool cabana. Over the years, they?’ve all burned out. Aaron raises his hand to volunteer as he has electrician experience.
A homeowner asks about the peeling Gordon Hartman sign at the intersection of Classic Drive and Highway 151. Malcolm states this sign is not on our property, therefore we have no jurisdiction. It would be a matter for TxDot or the city.
Malcolm moves on to upcoming elections in June. Janie Salinas has moved out of the neighborhood and the remaining board is looking for interested individuals to fill this vacated seat. Malcolm gives a brief listing of responsibilities, mainly to act as contact for signing checks. The plan is to appoint for the interim up until the election takes place in June. This will allow anyone who is interested to get a taste of the position. Be aware board positions are non-paying positions. The only compensation is satisfaction and the knowledge you are doing something for you and your neighbors. Your time spent is to make your neighborhood the best it can be.
The meeting comes back around to discussing the greenbelt and is anything being done about correcting the overgrowth and the area behind the tennis court. Malcolm responds by stating there are bids to cut back the overgrowth that total $1000 for the initial cutting and then $200 to maintain. The reason we are responsible is because the area is a lot that was deeded over to the HOA and if there are any complaints or notices from City of San Antonio Code Enforcement, they will be against the Association. The question was asked about the trees growing in this area. The desire is not to have these trees bush-hogged as they serve as a source of shade and privacy from neighbors on opposite side in Westover Place. A bush hog is huge and can?’t be selective. Also, overgrowth is somewhat of a deterrent to trespassers. Per code compliance, this greenbelt has to be maintained, and therefore cut. As to the area behind tennis court, it is the board?’s desire to also do clean up. This project will require the hire of a backhoe and is to be done prior to heat of summer. This same area also has an opening between our neighborhood and Westover Place. The question was brought up as to whether this opening would be closed with a barbed wire fence. Malcolm provides information that it?’s necessary to see this area blocked as there is a problem with trespassers using this as a way to get into our neighborhood and use our basketball court and pool. Not only are they trespassing, but there has been instances of vandalism that costs us as an association to repair.
On this same subject, Bobby brought up the issue about kids not from our area and the gate into pool. There was an incident that occurred last year when he came to pool and had to ask two kids (not from our neighborhood) to leave. Malcolm then reminded all in attendance that bigger kids had yanked on pool gate to gain entry and it cost the Association $1,000 to repair damage to the gate, the latch and the concrete. Malcolm then requested that everyone spread the word to be diligent if you see someone you don?’t know, call the police. Our neighborhood is after all Private Property. And with the pool season upcoming, it is pool rules that children under age 16 have to be accompanied by their parents while in the pool area. To assist with the trespassing and vandalism, several homeowners recommended posting surveillance signs as a deterrent. General consensus was signs are ignored, contacting the police was the best solution.
Several other general questions were asked of the board. One question regarded the irrigation and sprinkler system for the open areas. Malcolm responded by saying the sprinklers were back in working order. The water had been shut off during the fall and winter to conserve water as well as the grass goes dormant during this time. The next question is about the lock on the gate at the top of Springhouse Drive. Malcolm stated there is now a combination lock on this gate and he requested that everyone to please lock the gate when they pass through. If it is found open, the gate will be chained and padlocked. As to the gate at the entry, this is an automatic system. If you have any changes or updates, please contact him. Also as a note, Malcolm states that he isn?’t as young as he used to be, so he forgets about things such as Daylight Savings, so keep in mind when making requests. Other items mentioned were all architectural changes and requests need to be routed thru the Architectural Committee, please contact Medlyn Lyons with any questions or concerns. Also, changes and decisions are often made at our meetings, so Malcolm requested again that all in attendance tell their neighbors not able to come they are missing out on good information. In line with this request, several homeowners make a request of their own that meetings, if possible, be varied as to day of the week and time. Malcolm responded by saying he realizes that everyone is busy and it?’s difficult to find a time and day that is good for everyone, but this request is do-able.
With all agenda items covered, the motion is made to adjourn the meeting by Hector Carrillo, board of directors vice president. The motion is seconded by Mark Schlesinger of Springhouse Drive. Meeting officially adjourns at 3:15pm.

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