Charlotte area neighborhoods now have a more effective way to communicate. The City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County have partnered with a private company, Neighborhood Link, to provide free Web sites to neighborhood associations. Through this partnership, Neighborhood Link provides Web hosting and technical support, and the CharMeck government provides training to local neighborhood leaders.
With over 700,000 people living in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area, sometimes it?’s easy for citizens to feel a little isolated from the community. The CharMeck government is trying to overcome this obstacle by providing free Web sites to local neighborhood associations. Now you can log onto to find out what?’s going on in your neighborhood and elsewhere in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.
These Web sites allow neighborhood leaders to place a host of resources at the fingertips of citizens, such as dynamic calendars with community meetings, garage sales, and other special events; ?“chat room?” discussions about topics affecting our community; fax forms that allow faxes to be sent directly from a Neighborhood Web site; and links to valuable civic resources.
To find out what these Neighborhood Web sites have to offer, log onto
If you would like to find out how you can start building your neighborhood?’s Web site, visit or call Stephanie Hayes of Corporate Communications at
(704) 336-4935 or Tracy Greene of Neig