Highland Park Neighborhood Association

HPNA meeting notes April 6 2010

I know that not all of you are members ... but I know that some of you are,
until I get the email roster I wanted to make these notes publicly available

HPNA Meeting Tuesday April 6 2010 at 5:45 pm

In attendance:

New Member
Caroloyn Pike
Hilda Gonzalez
Victor Saucedo

Highland Hills Guests:

President Evaleen Schmuelke
Treasure Lloyd LeBlanc

Guest Speaker Lori Blake City of San Antonio Recycling Coordinator (Solid Waste
Outreach program to neighborhood and schools
Office 210- 207 - 6416
Cell 210 - 250 - 0308
Fax 210 - 207 - 6411

City of San Antonio's dedicated landfill built in 1980 filled up in the late
90's ... SA does not want to buy additional landfills
Green Star provides the city of San Antonio the recyling processing (if trash is
in the offload truck the city is penalized with a premium charge)
Contamination rate is 23% (the city is charged for contamination to the recycle
There is neighborhood recycle auditing occurring, sticker campaign for violating
recycle program, you get 5 chances to break the rules , after that you

Pay as you throw program may be implemented.

She is providing the items that are and are not recyclable:

YES to egg cartons and polystyrene *if* its clean, has the triangle, and does
not fly into a million pieces when broken (this type of polysterene contaminates
other products ... if the packaging does not meet the criteria of recyclable
then the manufacturer should be responsible)
YES to cellophane windowed envelopes
YES to cardboard boxes
YES to yellow pages
YES to take - out containers
YES to glass bottles (no to bottlecaps) -- should be intact container
YES to cans (aerosal must be completely empty and no nozzle, aluminum, steel) -
should be intact container
YES to pie and roast tins
YES to plastic (NO to bottlecaps) - All plastic items in blue bin *must* have
recycle symbol
some dvd covers

YES to prescription jars -- should be intact container

NO broken mirrors or dishes or window panes
NO to wax covered cartons - juice box type
NO to napkins
NO to food in recycle bin
NO to aluminum foil
NO to plastic bags
NO to wire hangers
NO to clothes
NO to bottle tops
NO to plastic garbage bags
NO to plastic utensils
NO to foil gift wrap
NO to frozen juice cans
NO to pet food bag
NO to chip bags
NO to plastic lids for screw or snap on tops
NO to batteries

CARTER the Solid Waste Mascot -- on facebook and twitter

HEB/Walmart will recycle news wrapper, drycleaner, bread and grocery bags
Home Depot and Best Buy will take batteries

Greenstar is located off of 410

Compost class if invited back --- Lori can save us the trip to
Regulat city compost classes on Friday beginning 5/7/2010 --- 5015 Airpark
between 9 am and 12 pm -- attend the class and get a free compost bin

Officer Nouhan at 6:19 pm: 210 - 219 0252 city cell (til 7pm) -- off on Sat &

210 - 207 - 0782 McCreless Office - he works a 4 hour block at the front desk -
feel free to ask for a tour

4250 is the name of our SAFFE District
SAFFE District boundaries are IH10 / Hackberry and IH 37 , Fair Ave to Clark Ave
North bound

Crime stats for 30 day period:

6 agg assaults (fight with weapon)
3 of the 6 agg assaults ended w/ arrests

2 apprehensions for shooting (600 Block of Bailey)

2 auto thefts
3 bldg burglaries (like shed)
9 habitation burgleries

24 - burglery of vehicles --- street parked vehicles ... radar detectors and gps
devices are most common target ... make sure car is locked
light your car
keep the DVDs hidden

3 deadly conducts (drive by shootings)

graffiti - Steves and New Braunfels problem tagging area - 2 weeks of no tagging
so far
Topeka/St Anthony area is the suspected source of the taggers
call Officer Neuhann if you are suspicious of congregating youth

graffiti cleanup target operation

10 prisoners available to graffiti paint or shrub relief for property owners --
Connie Paquett

Code compliance officer Connie Paquett--
if you want to register a code compliance issue the most effective way is to
call Jennifer Ramos' office
Connie Paquett is the code compliance officer assigned to our neighborhood

Tomorrow night is the Captains meeting for the East Side
Full rundown on state of the city's east side
Southeast Substation
3635 E Houston
at 6pm
every other month - first Wed of the month

Lloyd LeBlanc

Treasurer Report :

amount in savings and checking:

Proposed and Vote by acclamation for HPNA officers:

VP Tom Wentzler
Sec Lettie Ozuna
Albert Lopez
Barbara Banse
Lou Gloria
Lydia Romo
James Donohue

Request for a Committee to review bylaws, they have been unreviewed for 8 years
Jack Elder
Tom Wentzler
Albert Lopez

Jennifer Ramos Talked :

: She is happy for the turnout :
Thanks to Officer Neuhann for being in attendance
Our SAFFE storefront is a great assett
Orlando is the constituent person
Charles Mazuka is back at the office part time -- long history in District 3
Tree Ordinance -- will be voted on in May --- city council has to choose which
option to adopt
Bond Package passed and 300 plus projects of work is in place in SA
2012 Bond under discussion - ideas or committes or reprensentation to be in at
the planning process
$550 million dollar bond

By End of Year Highland Park Lutheran will open a Sr Center, the 13th in
District 3

Sat April 10th --- HPNA Board member and President's Meeting - the stakeholders
meeting -- 9 am at 3407 S. Presa Restaurant El Torero
Census will be in attendance
CPS Energy Casa Verde program

Tomorrow (Wed April 7th) Grand Opening
Salado Creek trailhead opens all the way to Commanche Park

Zoning Change Request from residential to commercial with alcohol:
Coach Dan's Sports Bar and Grill
2205 S. Gevers

Light Food to be sold
Beer License only


With beer will not attract the right element

Wants to deliver food
Bringing in jobs in the neighborhood
Wants to hire students to work .. 8 shifts ... 6 18 yr olds

Hours are planned to be 11am - 11pm

Building is already in place ...

vote 14 against / 2 for

Posted by mostserene on 04/06/2010
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