1.1 Boundaries. HPHA, aka Highlands Parkway Homeowners Association, is hereby established as an association of homeowners/residents residing in an area bounded by Voss Road to the East, Midway Road to the West, the power line right-of-way just North of Briarbend Road, and the alley just on the South side of Timberglen Road, in the city of Dallas, Texas.
1.2 Purposes. The purposes of HPHA are to assure the beauty, safety, and stability of the area and the surrounding community, and to promote neighborliness and pride among the residents.
1.3 Operation. HPHA consists of the general membership provided for in Article 2, the officers provided for in Article 3, the Executive Board provided for in Article 4, and the various committees provided for in Article 5. The operating year of the Association is January 1 through the following December 31. HPHA is a non-profit organization chartered under the laws of the State of Texas.
1.4 Procedure. Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall determine the conduct of business of HPHA when appropriate.
2.1 Eligibility. Any adult homeowner/resident residing in the area described in Section 1.1 is eligible to become a member of HPHA by paying the household dues prescribed by the general membership for each operating year.
2.2 Rights of Members. Each member of HPHA is eligible to serve as an officer or on any committee of HPHA, to vote on matters as provided by these Bylaws, and to attend (with any member of his or her household) any business or social function of HPHA. Each household is allowed one vote, which may be voted as two half (1/2) votes.
2.3 Restrictions on Members. No member of HPHA may use, or permit the use of, the name of the Association or any information obtained through HPHA membership for commercial purposes or any other purposes inconsistent with these Bylaws.
2.4 Meetings of General Membership. The members of HPHA shall meet annually during the month of October at a time and place selected by the Executive Board and at such additional times and places as the Executive Board may prescribe. Notice of any such meeting, along with the agenda, shall be published in the Association Newsletter at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Attendance of at least 10% (ten percent) of the general membership, either in person or by written proxy filed with the Secretary, shall be required for a quorum.
2.5 Voting by General Membership. Voting shall be by written ballot or voice vote as prescribed by the Executive Board and announced by the President prior to each vote. All matters voted upon, except the amendment of these Bylaws, shall be decided by a simple majority of those households voting, either in person or by written proxy filed with the Secretary.
3.1 General. HPHA shall elect officers who shall concurrently serve as President, Vice-President for Membership, Secretary, and Treasurer, each elected to serve a term of one operating year. No person may be elected to serve more than two consecutive terms in any one office, nor in more than one office at the same time.
3.2 Election Procedure. During the month of June each year, a temporary nominating committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board for the purpose of selecting nominees for each office for the next operating year. The names of the nominees so selected shall be published at least once in the HPHA Newsletter prior to the Annual Meeting. The election of officers shall be held in October at the Annual Meeting of the general membership. Additional candidates may be nominated by any member of HPHA at the Annual Meeting.
3.3 Vacancies. If any officer resigns or is otherwise unable to serve full term in office, a successor shall be selected by the Executive Board to serve the remainder of the term.
3.4. Duties of Officers.
(a) The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board. The President shall be a regular member of the Executive Board and an ex-officio member of all Permanent Committees, and shall have authority to represent HPHA in its relations with other persons and organizations.
(b) The Vice-President for Membership will coordinate Block Representatives who solicit new members, collect dues, distribute communications and monitor the moving in and out of residents. The Vice-President for Membership shall also keep an updated list of members. In the absence of the President, the Vice President for Membership shall temporarily fulfill the duties of that position as outlined in Article 3.4.
(c) The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership, be responsible for correspondence, and perform such other duties as the Executive Board may prescribe.
(d) The Treasurer shall have custody of HPHA funds, pay bills within approved budgets, keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures, prepare a financial record to be given at the Annual Meeting of the general membership in October, and perform such other duties as the Executive Board may prescribe. All checks of HPHA shall be signed by two Officers.
4.1 Composition. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the Vice-President of Membership, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Chairpersons of each of the Permanent Committees enumerated in Article 5.
4.2 Duties of Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the management of HPHA, including the approval of programs and budgets, and such other duties as may be prescribed by these Bylaws.
4.3. Meetings of Executive Board. The Executive Board shall meet at least once during each two-month period, at a time and place prescribed by it at a previous meeting or prescribed by the President. The President should, if possible, furnish a written agenda to each member of the Executive Board at least one day prior to the meeting. Actual presence of a simple majority of the Executive Board shall be necessary for a quorum. Any member who will be unable to attend should advise the president as far in advance of the meeting as possible. All Executive Board meetings shall be open to any member of HPHA.
4.4 Voting by Executive Board. Voting shall be by written ballot or voice vote as prescribed and announced by the President prior to each vote. All matters voted upon, except the filling of vacancies under Section 3.3, shall be decided by a simple majority of Executive Board members present and voting. The filling of vacancies under Section 3.3 shall be decided by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of Executive Board members present and voting.
5.1 Permanent Committees. The Permanent Committes of HPHA shall be as follows:
(a) The Newsletter Committee, whose duties are to prepare the HPHA Newsletter.
(b) The Crime Watch Committee, shall monitor and take such action as may be necessary to enforce existing zoning and city regulations, pertaining to traffic and other safety concerns and to coordinate with Crime Watch, police department, fire department, and street department.
(c) The Social/Recreational Committee, whose duties are to plan and manage special social/recreational functions for members of HPHA.
(d) The Zoning Committee, shall identify and make recommendations regarding zoning changes affecting our community. The Zoning Committee will monitor and take such action as may be necessary to enforce existing zoning and City of Dallas regulations in the community not pertaining to traffic or safety concerns.
(e) The Beautification Committee, shall promote the beautification of the area. The committee will identify and make recommendations regarding the improvement and maintenance of the area.
5.2 Membership of Permanent Committees. Membership in any Permanent Committee enumerated in Section 5.1 shall be open to any member of the Association. A Chairperson for each Permanent Committee shall be appointed by the Officers to serve for one operating year. No person may be appointed to serve more than two consecutive terms as Chairperson of a Permanent Committee.
5.3 Meetings of Permanent Committees. Permanent Committees shall meet as often as necessary to effectively carry out their duties. Such meetings shall be called and chaired by the Committee Chairperson of a Permanent Committee.
5.4 Reports by Permanent Committees. The Chairperson of each Permanent Committee shall be a member of the Executive Board, and shall report regularly to the Executive Board concerning that Permanent Committee’s activities.
5.5 Temporary Committees. The Executive Board may from time to time appoint such Temporary Committees as it deems necessary to perform specific activities. The Officers shall appoint a Chairperson for any Temporary Committee, but the Chairperson does not become a member of the Executive Board by virtue of such appointment.
6.1 Amendments to the Bylaws. These Bylaws may be amended by resolution in writing at a regularly scheduled or called meeting of the general membership at which a quorum is present wherein the amendment is presented, read, and approved by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the general membership. Notice of the proposed amendments(s) must be published at least fourteen (14) days prior to the day of the voting. All written proxies must be filed with the Secretary. The vote of any member who does not file a proxy will be counted as being in favor of the amendment.