Highline Meadows Fellows

Annual Meeting at Buck Center @ Highline Meadows “Flops” as info

Annual Meeting at Buck Center @ Highline Meadows “Flops”

Annual Meeting at Buck Center @ Highline Meadows “Flops” as informational meeting is aborted by Board of Directors

The Annual meeting last night at the buck center was a complete waste of time for the owners that arrived, only to find out that indeed the room would not hold enough members to actually hold the meeting, and that a majority of vote worthy members were not in attendance to reach quorum.


Upon arriving at the buck center three member's could not find parking right away and had to park across the street. We all thought this might be a good meeting?


To our disappointment the Highline Members owners just barley filled the “Topeka” room at the buck center that hold 52 seated persons by only 1/2.


The Vice President decided not to show up as the Board members welcomed arrive e's along with Denise Haas with TMMC at the entrance to the Door of the meeting


Why did they have to rent this room off site when they knew full and well that the room would not hold enough members to reach quorum and the meeting would than be Adjourned after only a few minutes after the start of the annual meeting?


Before the meeting started, an individual member in good standing ask the attendees if they would like to sign a petition to relive the Board of Directors. There was a couple that then signed that petition.


While a group of members where talking to themselves about how the special assessment was missing from the budget, they where interrupted by Board member Kerry Miller (member at Large) who was sitting waiting for the meeting to start. It was clear that this Board member had no clue about the Budget and where the 250K special assessment money was as a member updated him on the facts. He was then told by the President not to talk to this individual , as the meeting was about to begin, and added to the individual that he should not be falsely stating Budget numbers such as; 350K in Accounts receivable in January of 2009.


The meeting then officially started, only to end, after it was stated that “Quorum” had not been meet. Several members left the meeting upon hearing about the “Quorum” issue, as Denise stated to them not to “Abandon” the meeting. They responded back stating that this is not an “Official Meeting” and walked out.


To make matters even worse the Board of Directors then stated that an Informational meeting would not be held because there had been so called “Email Threats”???

All members at the meeting then had to exit the room and leave while the board members spoke among themselves as the meeting was dismissed with no further plan.

Posted by Resonable on 08/20/2009
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