Highline Meadows Fellows

TMMC & Board are Hiding $$$ Critical Information from Owners

Annual_Meeting_Room_Holds_52_Members_Cannot_have_meeting0001.jpg Dear fellow supporters;
Question-Find the Special Assessment $250K in the Budget/

In Denise Haas last letter to us homeowners here at Highline Meadows she said to go out to Condo Certs for more information on the Highline Meadows Budget, Controlling documents and Insurance as well as Litigation.

If anyone has gone out to this website would find that we are in fact not being Updated and that TMMC and the Current Board of Directors are not disclosing current information about the following;

BUDGET 2006-2008 (No 2009 comparison to prior years)
LITIGATION 2004 (No update on Lawsuit Highline Meadows vs J&S Investments and others)
INSURANCE 2007 (No Pelican Insurance quote's, E&O insurance etc, Hazard insurance)
MINUTES 2 Months behind Missing Monies
Declaration updates and changes not posted
New Rules Changes not posted
New Rules to "seeing the Books" 2005 not posted

Does Denise think we are stupid? It is very plain to see that they are hiding the information from us owners

"We live under a dictatorship at Highline Meadows and are being taken to the cleaners.... till one day we could go into condemnation as we made everyone rich but ourselves"


TMMC and Board of Directors Put the $ Burden $ Back on the Community

HEllo- "Your Roofs are shot and leaking"!!-"You must do somthing soon"!!

See the roofs:

Ask yourself a simple Question “What If this complex Goes into Condemnation and I am left without a home?

Why Did I let this happen, Now... I have to pay the bank for a loan on a property that is now worth “zero” dollars.


Currently... I cant sell this property unless the roofs are replaced or admit to a 3-4 million dollar special assessment to all buyers as confirmed by the Board of Directors in a recent news letter.




These building's have had roof leak issues since the complex was built back in the 70's and each of the 20 roofs after have had the same problem: “The Water was not draining off” and then leaking into the buildings.


This in turn caused ceiling damage, water damage and Asbestos's damage. Not to mention that all these years the water has been leaking in the roof support structure's have been weakening.


The main Trusts of the buildings have been weakened and there has been no structure analysis of the buildings to even say they are "safe to live in".


This damage was confirmed when a ceiling was opened up due to a roof leak which caused the Asbestos's ceiling to bulge and almost collapsed in a homeowners living room.


But why should you be concerned, isn't the pool more important than the roofs... as is running a big business with TMMC at the wheel?


The first leaking and failing roofs (20) at Highline Meadows had the rock removed in 1984 and left the material on the roof including the plywood. This reduced the weight by two pounds


The 2nd roof was put on this 1984 with Owens Corning material called “Derbigum”. A 100 Mil thick torched down material was torched down to the existing first failed roof membrane. The plywood was never replaced.


Soon after the roofs leaked again and the water was not draining off like it should have. The ground water table surrounding the complex from the Highline canal may have been responsible for a history of the building shifting and the roofs potentially tearing.


In 1991 “Owens Corning” said the material may have had “Fuzziness” and added another layer of “Derbrigum” Material to the roofs in an attempt to resolve the leaking issue. This doubled the weight of the roof Material.


Soon after the roofs leaked again. In 1995 there was a posting in a Highline Meadows bulletin that said "All the Roofs Were Shot" due to the water not draining off and they had a plan to fix all 20 buildings with a new Foam material that would build up the roof and allow drain off. They said that all the buildings would be done and started with building 140.


Soon after two they stopped fixing the roofs and over the years attempted to use various Cover materials on the roofs at building's 190 then stopped and have been fixing them incorrectly ever since wasting all your money on substandard repairs.



Roof damage” as the roof has leaked for over ten years due to ponding , the weight of water and snow have damaged the supports as water is not draining off.


We must act soon! We must have a plan in place. This has gone on too long.


Who can say that the roofs are strong enough to survive another Five or even Ten years if we do not have a plan in place to replace them?


What if we do nothing and stay on the same course with TMMC and the Unduly elected Board of Directors and something like a roof collapses.


They might shut down this whole community.... Do you see the big picture? The roofs are shot and this community "Must Go Into Emergency Mode" to save itself.


At what point will this community see “What could happen to there homes”?




When will the Madness with Denise and TMMC Stop? When will the Board of Directors take control of the budget and reduce cost and fire TMMC? Why have TMMC forced the board of directors into a court battle with a homeowner for unpaid dues? Why has that court battle lawsuit cost us tens of thousands of dollars? Why do we have 3 layers of maintenance which is draining off all our money. Why cant Rory and Bill paint the garages, do plumbing, electrical, fences, lift station, pool and other services- Why are we paying them 120K per year and then paying TMMC and Then paying 3rd party service providers?

The problem is that you dont have any say in the matter, guess what? Did you vote?


 We do not really need TMMC and Denise!

See Her on TV:


When will the Business of  Highline Meadows Condo Association be put before the paying owners for them to make a decision to where their money is going. Why does this business have to make others rich while we  live in a Ghetto?

TMMC has been running things here at Highline Meadows for Ten Years now and along with Denise Haas they are part of the CAI. Our community has suffered at the hands of these people as Denise Haas and TMMC have allowed this complex to fall apart and each year has raised our dues and now has employed two special assessments in two years.

The fact that she is now some sort of mentor for the CAI and is answering questions on the HOA help line bewilders me and most of my neighbors as we have had no reply's from Denise Haas and TMMC on our situation here at Highline Meadows.

We never can get any answers to our questions and TMMC hides information and controls our monies as the Budget has almost doubled in two from 512K to over a million dollars? Instead of our community voting on anything from the Board of Directors to the Budget Denise Haas has control over this complex which has resulted in a huge business enterprise which drains off every penny of our money each years with no money in the reserves and no plans for our leaking roofs.

Denise Writes the Budget and shoves it down our throat without any vote by this community. She makes sure that each person who does not pay is processed by harassment letters but we have over 350K in accounts receivable. Our lawyers and insurance fees have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars as we get deeper into debt with no reserves. People are sick and tired of seeing this place fall apart as her business gets bigger and bigger with our money. TMMC and Denise's insight as a manager have taken this community into the sewer. We have no chance of a quorum to get rid of Denise and TMMC or the Non Duly elected Board of Directors?

Denise makes sure the Condo Cert's website is four months behind as the minutes do not reflect the spending of our monies as minutes are missing and documents are years behind. Each person at this complex is being exposed to this dictatorship and control of Denise Haas and TMMC and have no say in the matter. She writes the Budget and spends every penny regardless if the work is completed?

An HOA must provide every member annually with a description of the association's internal dispute resolution process

See Denise on Video


 Denise Haas has been doing the direct opposite as she stated in her interview the other night. It would appear that TMMC with Denise Haas is directing our Non- Duly elected board here as we get more and more bills to pay for additional 3rd party vendors  and onsite employees as our administration cost exceeds 50% and this place is falling apart. She claims that you should "get in touch with your manager",  but she never returns your calls and the Board of Directors ignore the real issues and wont cut cost to "save our complex"?

"Our roof have leaked over ten years" as Denise Haas keeps hiring the same roofing company that has done substandard repair work and cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars. She wants to impose a 3-4 Million dollar assessments now and we have suffered two 1/4 Million dollar special assessments for Dead beats.

Dont be Fooled!! The real cost of stoping the bleeding of the roofs!!

HEllo- "Your Roofs are shot and leaking"!!-"You must do somthing soon"!!



Learn About Your Roofs;

No inspection for structural damage to the Highline Meadows building roofs has been completed by any authorized party.

Due to the number of leaks in most units and all 20 buildings in the complex,  we have done some research which we hope you will pass on to 'Darby Enterprise Roofing" and the Board of Directors.

After a discussion with Mike Dewit a representative with Owens Corning who researched details concerning our complex,  in 1990 a second layer of  Derbigum (10 Year Guarantee) was added and paid for by Owens Corning at a cost of 174K due to "Fuzziness" of the original installation in 1984. This was a defective material put on at the time.

It also appears that Service records stopped after four service calls reported from 1990 to 1993 and the ten year warranty was never used after that date. The roof Expiration on warranty would be the year 2000 which means that TMMC and the HMCA would have been responsible for making sure we were covered on Roof Warranty at that time since they were managing this Highline Meadows complex at that time.

I would like to comment on that Tar or black cement compound was leaking through the 1/2" Plywood of the ceiling in several areas in my unit. Any current or past roof repairs when dealing with "DERBIGUM",  should require proper repair methods involving a Prime and torched down reinforcement layer according to Mike Dewit at Owens Corning.

It appears that either cement or tar is being used to patch the roofs which is a complete waste of money due to the fact the patch may only last 3 months to a year.

Mike Dewit with Owens Corning is reviewing the pictures of the roof repairs on our roof to confirm this incorrect patch method. Mike will also be sending me documenataion on the Second Replacment and any service records.

Considering we have spend over 100 Thousand dollars on roof repairs during the last several years, this is very significant and needs to be addressed. This is considered incompetence by Darby Roofing in proper repair techniques.

This letter is being written to "educate you and TMMC Inc." as well as Darby roofing company that all of the 20 roofs at this Highline Meadows complex in 1984 had Derbigum SP torched down single layer roofing materials that were torched down during installation. See Forwarded Email from Owens Corning which details that Derbigum roofs were installed in 1984 on 20 roofs at Highline Meadows.

Please also notice that in 1990 Owens Corning returned to add another layer of Derbigum SP roof materials to all 20 roofs here at Highline Meadows in 1990 due to a material defect and that the Board of Directors did not enforce the 10 year warranty  and allowed it to run out from 1993 to 2000.

It is also fact that the Board of Directors during 1995 had so many ponding and leaking issues with most of the roofs in the Highline Meadows complex that they decided to replace them one at a time.

Around the year 1995,  Building 140 received another built up roof which voided the warranty with Owens Corning. Other roofs in the complex also received another layer and in 2003 Building 190 received a Membrane style roof. This roof is still experiencing ponding.

Building 130 East Highline circle was never replaced or modified after 1990 and has remained as a Derbigum roof since the 1984 installation.

Dary Roofing has been found to be using Henry 906 flashmaster plus cement on dry repairs at various locations in the complex and on December 13 2008, at 130 east Highline Circle #303 they were using Henry 208 wet patch roof cement. It is true that these products can provide a short term emergency repair although Darby roofing stated that this was the final repair work to be completed after five complaints of my roof leak.

You can plainly see the black Tar like patches in three areas of the roof in which this Henry component was applied. It is the same repair techniques seen throughout the surface area on my roof.


It also apppears that now Alpine Roofing is also using substandard repairs... I guess that's OK that everything they patched will releak!


"WOW" what a business for these people!???????????????????????????????

I believe that Denise Haas and CAI should be banned from participation in any HOA help line based on their oversight, misdirection
and mismanagement of Highline Meadows. I believe that Denise Haas holds no scruples when it comes to managing an HOA and has allowed our Highline Meadows Budget to be abused each year and led our Board of Directors and this  complex down the road of destruction. Her tactics include Harassment, mismanagement and abuse of spending our monies correctly as well as poor guidance for this community to survive. 

She and TMMC alone has caused the people of this community to loose faith in the whole idea of an HOA after seeing how their monies have been sweeped away as home values fall and the roofs never get replaced.

What she does not want you to know!!!

 $$$$$$$$$$$$$ The SHEEP PAY$$$$$$$$$$ The SHEEP PAY$$$$$$$$$$$$



See the current lawsuit;

The way Denise operates is that ....since they do not correspond by letter and everything is always verbal,  they always say " At the Direction of the board of Directors". So as a result, TMMC is never the ones being sued it is always the Association's Call directed by the Board of Directors. TMMC are very skillful with there team of lawyers and such in trying to never admit to anything by putting it in writing or email.
As far as Our association Lawyer... he needs to stand up for the Association and this community and not Denise and TMMC. He is our lawyer and not Denise's whipping Joe. He has been here for 15 years and now
that the kettle is getting hot from having his case go from County court and up to District Court.

The J& S Investments current case going on in Arapahoe County Court. I am very sure that he would love to talk with you kind folks to share his ongoing Proceedings and dealings with the Deaf Eared Board of Directors and Non Communicating Denise and TMMC.

HEllo- "Your Roofs are shot and leaking"!!-"You must do somthing soon"!!

This "Fly by Night" operation is exactly as Denise and TMMC would have wanted it since they have been bamboozling the Board of Directors and taking this community to the cleaners for years now.....until now.....when J&S Investments case went from County Court to District Court and this became a real case. They are scare to lose.

Did you read the Discovery and the Counter Suit J&S investments is charging? Believe me.... it is all true. That's why they came after me... But soon after.. they looked very stupid! I would have a slam dunk Harassment case against the Association and TMMC!   Why.. Because it is all UN-TRUE!!! No one is fabricating anything here, we are just looking at the facts. Just like Joe Friday; " Just the facts Ma mm" .

See examples of Cooking the Books; 

 The lack of communication by TMMC in this community about Asbestos, Roof Leaks,  spending our money correctly, these increases in dues for the past 8 years,  emergency and special assessments and changes of the board members without any voting by the majority of this community has got to stop! Our declaration and Bylaws state that any Extra-ordinary assessment must be voted on by this community.

HEllo- "Your Roofs are shot and leaking"!!-"You must do somthing soon"!!

The Answer is Receivership. The community is turned over to a separate parties like a CPA to review the books and check if in fact the money is being spend correctly. Believe me... they don't look at a generated spreadsheet from Denise on her Excel Program that you cant make out. They look for Receipts they look at Bills they look for tack ons, add ons, double charges and FRAUD!

 See Double DIPPING by Rory:

The IRS might also be interested in what is happening also with this business here at Highline Meadows. Especially since they sometime dont pay taxes and dont have a business name with the Secretary of State?

Also when TMMC is leasing out two Association owned homes they must have a real estate license to lease any structure. According to the state these homes dont pay taxes since they are owned by the Association. They dont even pay any dues or special assesSments!

And....... ...... if it looks like there has been any foul play with this associations money someone might go to jail in an orange suit. I hope they have E & O insurance or what Denise calls E & D insurance and I hope TMMC is very well Insured for Mismanaging this community and allowing this place to fall apart without any beatification of Roof Replacements. I sure they will blame it on the Board of Directors!!!

Why did the president quit and ride out of town, why did the Vice PRESIDENT RESIGN?

Believe me.... I have looked at the Budget and see the writing on the wall. The main reason that the Board of Directors will not cut cost is because they are scare by Denise and TMMC machine that has had this Great deal for all these years. They don't think anybody but Densie  and TMMC can run this show and they want her to do it all! Belive me... there are several Management companies that could come in here and do 10 times better that TMMC. Just look around people-WE LIVE IN A GHETTO......Prove me wrong....

Your Health: Asbesto's what they wont tell you!!!


Well prove it I say, open the books and let everyone in this community see the wasteful and possible unjust spending of our monies over the years. And they have the nerve to ask this community again and again  to pay for Dead Beats and More Insurance Monies. They are not doing there job and hope no one will ever find out since the pot has always been Gold and Now some are calling it "BLACK".

There are monies that are being committed by the Board of Directors into a Budget that does not make any sense. You don't spend 5K on Clubhouse Electric in 2007 and then 3.5 K in the same in 2008. You don't buy a Snow Truck for 20K and than start to pay a loan off for that same truck soon after. You don't spend 5K on paint and not know where you used it and then when they tell you the story changes later on they rack up over 30K of Misc expenses without checks and balances.

We read the Clubhouse electric meter:Decide for yourself!!!

HEllo- "Your Roofs are shot and leaking"!!-"You must do somthing soon"!!

The basic Moral values of Democracy in this community has been lost to the dictatorship and direction of the very few TMMC and the Non-elected but appointed Board of Directors by Attrition.

Thanks to Alan voting for himself and taking this community into the sewer!

To be honest with you I stopped going to the meetings because no one was listening to what I was saying. I even had a "BIG Board" showing the budget spending at the last Annual meeting and ended up leaving the meeting upset. She Runs the meetings!!!

Believe me we must not know how to add..... and ever since they went to a calendar year, the Budget is so jacked up you couldn't make heads or tails out of it. They still kept the Annual Meetings in August.... they must think we don't have a clue....Believe me we don't vote on anything especially the budget.. assessments...increases... NOTHING!  We live in a small country controlled by dictators (TMMC and the Board of Directors) who can  spend and request any monies they need to run this business.

How do you spend 5K on sprinkler during the month of January 2009? Why is all the money spend with no reserves. Why cant we get the roofs replaced, why wont they talk about it? How do they come up with Painting the Garages in the whole complex and have the money for that? Why do we have 350K in accounts receivable? Why has the board of directors used substandard repair work for the last ten years on the leaking roofs when the repair work wont fix the roofs as they re leak after 3-6 months? How do they get away with spending 100's of thousands of our dollars on Substandard work.

When will the Madness with Denise and TMMC Stop? When will the Board of Directors take control of the budget and reduce cost and fire TMMC? Why have TMMC forced the board of directors into a court battle with a homeowner for unpaid dues? Why has that court battle lawsuit cost us tens of thousands of dollars? Why do we have 3 layers of maintenance which is draining off all our money. Why cant Rory and Bill paint the garages, do plumbing, electrical, fences, lift station, pool and other services- Why are we paying them 120K per year and then paying TMMC and Then paying 3rd party service providers.

When will the Business of  Highline Meadows Condo Association be put before the paying owners for them to make a decision to where their money is going. Why does this business have to make others rich while we  live in a Ghetto?

Just as long as Rory keeps making 60-70 K a year and Bill another 35K and then Give TMMC a 100K, and then spend 174K on insurance.. But they wont tell us what insurance and if you want to look at the books... yes please come to Castle Rock.. Denise Say's.. but first you must pay for there Lawyer to be present and pay for his travel time.... Its a Racket I tell you!!!

WE Found Major holes in the BUDGET AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WOULD NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS; Denise said.... What Questions???? More like lies.....

They wont listen to US I tell Ya, I could get on a bull horn and announce it to the world and nothing would happen.....This is the way it has always been since I challenged TMMC years ago on the Budget. They were very reluctant to give out any additional information and now the information they give out cannot be deciphered by the common man.

We Have Suffered:

HEllo- "Your Roofs are shot and leaking"!!-"You must do somthing soon"!!

No Votes on Dues Increase, No Votes for NON-Duly Elected Board of Directors

Petition Box ripped down and the Petitions stolen by Former President
Flipped off by Former Treasurer of the Board of Directors
Stolen Pictures and Flowers from My Hallway multiple times from Building Owners
No Documentation for Asbestos removal in My Ceiling-No response from Board from Letters sent
No Response from TMMC on Letters Sent to the Board of Directors
Landscaper company Directed by Board to Cut down Flowers in Box in Parking lot
Landscaper company Directed to Remove Beatification rock and bark put down by Building Owners
and return to worse condition-Original


If you would like to attend a meeting..... it is at the Clubhouse every third Tuesday of each month at 1900.

HEllo- "Your Roofs are shot and leaking"!!-"You must do somthing soon"!!


We started this website:




Posted by highlinemeadows on 08/01/2009
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