Members present: David Hatch, Sean Riley, Brenda Simpson
Members not present: Jerry Kroninger, Tom Leonard
Architectural Committee: There have been two complaints regarding the abandoned house at 8560 Mariposa Drive (Filing 1 Lot 26). The taxes on the house are up to date. The license tags on the cars are expired. Since the issue of abandoned cars is no longer in the covenants, this case has been forwarded to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.
Maintenance Committee: The sandwish board has been completed and will be on display at the entrance to the Homestead by the pump-house later this week.
Treasurer's Report: The third quarter report will be available after the next HHA Board meeting.
Social Committee: The Annual Car Show will be Sunday, Oct. 2nd from 12-3pm at the culdesac on Quartz Trail. Food and beverages will be provided. Side dishes are always welcomed! We invite our neighbors of Golden Meadows to join us like last year.
The position for Social Chairperson remains available. This is a great way to get involved in the community and get to know your neighbors!
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Meeting adjourned. The next HHA Board meeting is to be announced.