October 2005
Association Board Members
President - Robert Kimery
704-596-8921 hubbardwoods@earthlink.net
Vice President - Stanley Chalmers
Secretary - Jane Kimery
704-596-8921 wolfpackr@earthlink.net
Member At Large - Tim McLaughlin
704-509-0057 rudysmom6@bellsouth.net
Member At Large - Jason Cole
704-598-8361 jcole1911@aol.com
The Mission Statement for the board of directors of the Hubbard Woods Association: To maintain the structure and value of a small nit community in the University area while providing the ever-evolving relationships with friends and neighbors.
HWA Semi-Annual Meeting -
Since our last formal meeting in March we have held several small group meetings around the neighborhood to try and boost community interest in the Hubbard Woods Association (HWA). The next formal Association meeting will be held on Sunday October 9, 2005 at 3:00 pm. To try and get better participation than we have had in the past, this meeting will be held on Sunday in the Ontario Place cul-de-sac. I hope this will be a more convenient date and location rather than having the meeting during the week at a location outside of the community. I look forward to having a much better showing at this meeting than we have had in the past
Hot Topics
Topics for HWA meeting
Payment of Association Dues
Community Directory
Maintenance of homes & yards
Pet Control
Home Owners Association Dues - The board wants to express to you how important it is for you to pay the quarterly dues. For us to be able to make necessary improvements, and maintain the common areas it is vital that dues be paid in a timely manner.
Community Directory - Earlier this summer I put out a questionnaire as a means to gather information for this directory. Over the last 3 months I have received a grand total of 6 (six) responses to the questionnaire. During this upcoming meeting I would like to once again revisit this idea to see if there is any more interest in producing the directory. To clarify any misunderstanding about the directory I will restate its purpose. It would be a way for us to help foster the relationship of our neighbors in our community. This directory would be used for the purpose of helping us to be better acquainted with each other, help us to keep a better watch on our neighborhood, and notify your neighbor of an emergency while they are away form their homes. An example of the information we are looking to put in the directory would be NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER (HOME/WORK), EMAIL ADDRESS, and NOTES. The information in the directory would be used for personal use only and should never be used as a way to promote any personal business
Maintenance of Homes & Yards - According to the covenants we as homeowners need to maintain our home and yards by completing the necessary maintenance. The board has received complaints as to the upkeep of the yards and the poor condition of the exterior of homes within our community. In upholding your roll as member of the association you need to take responsibility to maintain the exterior of your home with a proper coat of paint. In reference to the yards, cleaning up clutter around your home as well as mowing the lawn in a timely manner and picking up the grass clippings and removal of limbs and tree that are damaged as a result of adverse weather. Remember all covenants apply to renters just as they do to the owners, except the owner is financial responsible. For homes that do not comply, the board will start accessing fines, which if they are not paid, could result in a lien on your home!
Parking - As a reminder; section 5 of the Association covenants do not allow parking on the street or the sidewalk unless there is a special occasion/event. Parking on the street creates an obstruction to the clear view of the road and prevents the proper flow of traffic especially during inclement weather. Also parking in the yard (on grass) violates HWA covenants and could result in a fine. If you are bothered with a parking situation you are encouraged to contact your neighbor directly or the Charlotte Police Department. Beginning October 1, 2005 the owner of the property with any vehicles improperly parked will be notified by letter from the Association Board of Directors for corrective action. Multiple infractions will be dealt with within the rules of the covenants.
Pets - Please remind all neighbors that barking dogs and cats that climb fences and go into neighbor?¡?¦s yards are a nuisance to others. Homeowners are asked to keep their pets in their home when they are away (especially at night when the barking problem tends to be greater). Everyone needs to be reminded of the Mecklenburg County Leash law. All animals should be on a leash at all times. If your pets defecate in your neighbor?¡?¦s yards or the common areas; please clean it up immediately. If you are bothered with a neighbor?¡?¦s pet, you are encouraged to call the Charlotte Animal Control Center at 704-336-3786.
The Best Yard Award
No yard has been selected for recognition at this time. I encourage any one who thinks their neighbors yard deserves to be recognized please forward your nominations to the board of directors.
If you would like to voice your suggestions/ideas within the newsletter or to the board of directors please do not hesitate to contact one of the board members listed at the top of this newsletter.
Hubbard Woods Website - We now have a website for our neighborhood. If you have any inputs please feel free to email them one of the board members so we can continue to improve this site. The address is www.neighborhoodlink.com/charlotte/hubbardwoodshoa