The 2001 crime statistics for Jefferson Park and the rest of the city of Denver have been released. Unfortunately, Jefferson Park is the 8th worst neighborhood for crime in the city with 140.8 crimes per 1,000 persons. Jefferson Park ranks 5th for car theft, 6th for burglaries, 35th for arson, 15th for sex assult, 13th for larcenies, 18th for robberies, and 3rd for aggravated assaults.
Help keep crime down. If you witness a crime or are aware of drug or other illegal activity in the neighborhood, report it! Call 911 for emergencies, or for non-emergencies call 720-913-2000 or call our Community Resource Officer Tony Burkhardt at 303-964-1313.
Use common sense, keep your home and garage locked at all times; when out of town have you mail and newspaper stopped (or have someone pick it up on a daily basis); and for personal safety, stay alert in your surroundings. The National Crime Prevention Council?’s website has handy downloadable reference guides on other ways to fight crime:
Remember, a clean neighborhood also keeps neighborhood crime down. Taking pride in our environment shows potential criminals that we care - and won?’t tolerate it!
Another great way to keep crime away is by participating in the neighborhood watch program. Call Karen Harvey at 303-477-1765 to find out what you have to do to sign up for the free program. Learn how easy it is to get a ?“neighborhood watch?” sign on your block!