Jenifer Ridge

2004 HOA Directors Meeting Minutes - May, June and September

Board of Directors Meeting of September 13, 2004

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Monday, September 13, 2004, at 6:20 pm at Timonium Presbyterian Church, 303 W. Timonium Road, Timonium, Md.

Present – Mary Ann Gruntowicz, Tom Klein, and Tony Vitrano, three of the five directors, therefore representing a quorum. Also present were Association members Bill Paulsen, Kishan Goel, Harish Gupta. Jim McAree, and Dottie Vitrano.

Minutes of the previous board meeting on June 8th were presented and reviewed. Tom moved that they be accepted. The motion was approved unanimously.

Kishan Goel presented some suggestions to increase neighbor participation in the Association, including more use of the neighborhood web site.

Treasurer’s Report – Tom Klein presented the report prepared by Mary Brunk as of August 31st. Mary Ann moved that the report be approved. The motion was approved unanimously.

Capital Reserve Study – Mary Ann reported that Architectural Support Group, the contractor hired to provide the study, had received all of the necessary Association documents. Tom volunteered to accompany them for their neighborhood “walk-through”.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC) – Mary Ann presented a “Request for Exterior Property Change/ Addition Form” (attached) that she had forwarded to the committee. It is hoped that this form could be distributed to all homeowners on a regular basis to aid in the review process. Tony suggested that this form could be included as part of the association newsletter.

Newsletter – Mary Ann presented a notice (attached) that she had written for the upcoming newsletter summarizing the association’s accomplishments during the past year. It was also noted that the notice about mail box misuse will appear in the next newsletter.

Maintenance Contracts – Mary Ann provided copies of the proposals for 2005 from NaturaLawn of America for treatments and CFC Enterprises for grass cutting, mulching, shrub and garden care. She asked the Board members review them for the next meeting.

Forest Buffer / Conservation Areas - The request by the families at 507 and 509 Whithorn Court to have the association remove a tree seriously damaged by lightening was discussed. Mary Ann has asked each of the two families to provide surveys of their properties to ensure that the tree is in fact on the easement owned by the HOA and not on either family’s property. Tom suggested that if it appears that any portion of the tree appears to be on HOA property, the association should be responsible for its removal. Tony moved that unless the surveys clearly indicate the tree is on homeowner property, the association will have the tree removed, subject to the county rules regarding forest buffer areas. The motion passed unanimously.

Mary Ann the updated the Board on her discussions with Roy List, the official of Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection responsible for monitoring Forest Buffer and Conservation areas. Many of the homes in Jenifer Ridge have these areas include in their property. In addition, much of the open wooded space behind individual properties is Forest Buffer / Conservation land owned by the Association. In either case, these areas are subject to laws which basically prohibit any alteration to these areas whatsoever. Violations are subject to significant fines. Not only could a homeowner be in violation for altering the FB/C area on his property, the association would be liable for any fines resulting from anyone altering the FB/C areas behind individual homes on property owned by the HOA. It is also possible that some homes in Jenifer Ridge may be in violation at this time.

Mary Ann moved that the Board obtain a written explanation from the County describing the restrictions to FB/C areas, list the fines and penalties, and to send a letter to all residents explaining this. The motion was approved unanimously.

Homeowner Inspection of Books and Records – Mary Ann asked each Board member to review a letter from Cynthia Kent, HOA attorney, regarding homeowner access to association books and records.

The Code of Conduct / Code of Ethics Draft (attached) that was prepared by the association’s attorney was reviewed. This Code is one that is applicable to all present and future Board Members as well as all present and future volunteers who service the Jenifer Ridge Community. Tom moved that the document be approved and signed by each current and future director. The motion was approved unanimously.

Future Meetings – The next scheduled meeting is on Monday, October 11th. Agenda items for this meeting will include disposition of the minutes from the February and March meetings and reviewing any landscape proposals that may be available, as well as the maintenance contracts.

At the following scheduled meeting, on Monday November 1st, the 2005 budget will be discussed.

We have changed the time for these and future meetings from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Mary Ann moved that donations of $50 for Board Meetings and $100 for General Homeowners Meetings be made to the Church where the meetings are held. This applies to all previous as well as future meetings. The motion was approved unanimously.

Nominating Committee for the next election of directors was discussed. Tony was appointed to chair this committee. Suggested as additional members were Bob Hergenroeder and Chris Newman. The Committee should send a letter to all residents by October 1st asking for volunteers to seek election to the Board, with a deadline of November 1st for candidate information to be submitted in time to be submitted to the membership. It was noted that there are two seats to be elected this year, and any resident not in violation of ARC rules and whose dues are paid in full can seek election.

Home Business – Mary Brunk will be asked whether any communication has been received from the HOA attorney regarding the business at 2007 Cranbourne Rd.

Landscaping - The proposal from the Turner group was reviewed. It was determined that since it was the only proposal received at this point and since it exceeded the budgeted amount for this year, action would be deferred. Mike Kaiser had communicated with Mary Ann about that he may receive additional proposals within the next month.

Concrete Pavers – As discussed at the March meeting, Tom moved that concrete pavers be installed to replace the grass areas between the sidewalk and Cranbourne Road, near the area of the “island” just within the entrance to the community. The motion was approved unanimously.

Tony moved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:20 pm. The motion was approved unanimously.

Tony Vitrano

Board Of Directors Meeting of June 8, 2004

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Tuesday, June 8, 2004, at 6:05 pm at Pinewood Elementary School, 200 Rickswood Road, Timonium, Md.

Present – Mary Ann Gruntowicz, Tom Klein, Mary Brunk, and Tony Vitrano, four of the five directors, therefore representing a quorum. Also present were Association members Evie Bond, Brooke and Joyce McCrystle, Bill and Janet Paulsen, Angie Hall, Marty Brunk, and Dottie Vitrano.

The meeting began with “Open Session”, which each Association member being given the opportunity to speak. Janet and Bill Paulsen voiced concerns on several items, including the status of neighborhood communications, all of which were to be addressed during the meeting. Janet also provided the Board with quotes from three management companies, which Tom Klein agreed to review.

1) “Code of Conduct” - The attached document provided by Association attorney Cynthia Kent entitled “Code of Conduct for Open Forum” was discussed. A motion was made by Mary Ann that the document be used as a guideline for regular board meetings subject to open forum when homeowners are present. The motion was approved unanimously.

2) June 7 Communication - It was noted that the communication from MarioVillaSanta dated June 7, 2004 “To The Jenifer Ridge Homeowners” was forwarded to the Association attorney on June 8th by Mary Ann. Mary Ann motioned that the Board would not respond to the communication. The motion was passed unanimously.

3) Mail Box Use - Mary Ann noted that there have been complaints within the neighborhood of residential mail boxes being used for deliveries of documents not from the postal service, without paid postage. It was recommended that notice be included in the next homeowner newsletter that only the United States Postal Service may use mailboxes for delivery.

4) The Draft of the Response of the JRHOA to the May 1 memorandum from Mario VillaSanta was reviewed and minor changes to the document were made. Tom motioned that the corrected response be accepted, and the motion was passed unanimously. The Official Response will be mailed to all homeowners.

5) The Draft “Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics” for members and other volunteers serving the community was “layed on the table” for discussion at the next meeting.

6) The Minutes from the Special Board Meeting on May 24th were reviewed. Tom moved that they be approved with changes. The motion was approved unanimously.

7) Previous Meeting Minutes - It was noted that the minutes from the February 2 and March 1 Board meetings needed to be reviewed and approved, and that the minutes from the annual homeowners meeting on February 2 should be reviewed. It was decided that this would be done at a future board meeting, when Board member Mario VillaSanta, the former secretary, would be present.

8) Special Meeting - The scheduling of the “Special Meeting of the Homeowners” was discussed, with the date of Tuesday June 29th at 7:00 at the Mays Chapel Church determined as the tentative time and location, subject to the availability of Mario.

9) Future Meetings -The scheduling of Board meetings was discussed. It was noted that the present meeting was changed from June 7th to June 8th due to lack of a quorum on June 7th. Quarterly Board meetings were scheduled for Monday, September 13th and Monday, November 1st, tentatively at the Mays Chapel Church. Also, additional monthly meetings were scheduled for July 12th, August 2nd, October 11th, and December 6th, with final details of time and place to posted on the JRHOA website and on a temporary sign to be placed near the entrance to the neighborhood.

10) Treasurer’s Report – Mary presented the report as of May 31st. The Board approved the most recent invoice from the association attorney as well minor expenses for postage and light bulbs for the entrance.

11) Bank Accounts – Mary motioned that the separate savings account for “Class C” (patio home) expenses be replaced with a separate checking account. The motion was approved unanimously.

12) By –Law Changes – The status of the change to allow the Board comments on activities occurring outside the community was discussed. No recent communications from the attorney have been received on this topic.

13) Developer Issues – Mary Ann reviewed numerous communications she had with Baltimore County and the Developers as recent as late May, including the following matters:
a) The developers’ bonds have not been released by Baltimore County.

b) The storm water management ponds have not yet been turned over (as completed) from the developer to the county.

c) Despite their condition, the County has generally approved the sidewalks.
Apparently, the County’s standards fall far below the expectations of the community.

Marty Brunk suggested that resident Kevin Hall possibly could communicate our concerns with the developer.

14) Traffic Matters – It was noted that signs had been installed at the entrance/exit to the neighborhood, which would hopefully reduce “wrong way” driving for those unfamiliar with our traffic patterns. It was also noted to follow up with resident Bob Hergenroeder concerning the County’s plans to paint lines on the south side of Timonium Rd. to discourage outside drivers from driving through the access lanes to our community.

15) Open Space Maintenance

a)CFC Lawn Service is continuing to the lawn cuttings for the open space as well as for the patio homes

b)Mary Ann has gotten a quote from NaturaLawn, the contractor for weed control for the patio homes, to set up a separate program to cover the Jenifer Ridge general common areas to include left and right of the entrance, the berm, and the area across from 1911 Cranbourne Rd. that connects from Cranbourne Rd. to the fence of the storm pond. The Board authorized their services be contracted for the remainder of this year.

c)CFC will be instructed to cut the entire open space left and right of the entrance, the berm, around the ponds up to the fence in HOA areas of responsibility, and HOA areas across from 1911 Cranbourne as it connects Cranbourne Rd. to pond fence with each cutting, to match the cutting schedule of services being provided by CFC to the Patio Homes.

16) Tree Replacement – The Developer will be contacted about replacing trees planted within the past year that have apparently died. It is hoped that they will replaced by their contractor.

17) Fallen Tree – Efforts will be made to remove the portion of the tree that has fallen on the chain link fence on Timonium Rd. and to replace the damaged portion of the fence. Our insurance company will be contacted, and whether it is covered or not, the area will be repaired. CFC will be asked to do the repairs, and if they are unable to, tree and fence contractors will be contacted.

18) The Capital Reserve Study has been contracted, and is expected to be completed in the near future.

19) Communications – Jessica Jacobsen has agreed to continue to produce the community newsletter, with Tina Bognet. Janet Paulsen expressed an interest in helping also. Tony will ask Jessica to schedule the next mailing in July, and to contact Mary Ann for a message from the Board. Since former Board member Kathy Leahy formerly helped produce the newsletter, it was determined that a Board member review the newsletter prior to publication. Jessica will also be asked to update the community website with the names and email addresses of the current Board and members of the ARC Committee.

20) Home Business – Despite visits from the Board and actions by the ARC Committee, a home business appears to continue operating at 2007 Cranbourne Rd. Mary Ann moved that the matter be turned over to our attorney. The motion was passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Tony Vitrano

Special Meeting of May 24, 2004

A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Monday, May 24, 2004 at 6:50pm at Pinewood Elementary School, 200 Rickswood Road. Timonium, Md.

Present - Mary Ann Gruntowicz, Tom Klein, Mario Villasanta, Mary Brunk, and Tony Vitrano, all the members of the Board, therefore representing a quorum. Also present was Cynthia Hitt Kent, attorney for the Homeowners Association, and two legal representatives of Mario Villasanta.

1) A motion was made by Tom Klein to immediately conduct the meeting in “Closed Session,” for the purpose of “Consultation with legal counsel” as described in the attached Statement of Compliance with the Maryland Homeowners Association Act Open Meetings Law. Mary Ann, Tom, Mary, and Tony voted in favor of meeting in closed session, and Mario voted against. The representatives of Mr. Villasanta were requested to leave, and the closed session immediately began. The closed session meeting ended at 7:50pm.

2) The “Open Session” portion of the meeting began at 7:55 p.m.. Present, in addition to those listed above, were members of the Association as listed on the attached attendance sheet.

3) Members of the Association who wished to speak were given the opportunity to sign in on the attached sign-up sheet, and were allowed approximately two minutes each to address the Board.

4) A motion was made by Tom Klein to review the draft of the Official Response of the Jenifer Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. by its Board of Directors to the memorandum dated May 1, 2004 from Mario Villasanta. (A copy is attached). Mary Ann, Tom, Mary, and Tony voted in favor of reviewing the document and Mario voted against. After the Board reviewed the document, Tony Vitrano motioned to accept the document, with minor changes. Mary Ann, Tom, Mary, and Tony voted in favor, and Mario abstained.

5) The Board then discussed a request by Mrs. Janet Paulsen for a special meeting of the members of the association. Tom Klein motioned that a special “Open Forum” meeting be planned within a reasonable time frame. The motion was passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.

Tony Vitrano

Posted by jjacobsen on 11/02/2004
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