Kingswood Civic Association



January 20, 2003





The name of the organization is the Kingswood Civic Association.  It is a nonprofit organization formed by the residents living in the neighborhood of Prince George's County, Maryland, bounded on the north and east by the Capital Beltway, on the south by Good Luck Road, and on the west by Greenbelt National Park.



The objectives of the organization are to secure the advantages of the combined efforts of the membership to: ensure the safety and welfare of all residents of the community; protect the property value of all homes; and promote sociability, fellowship, and communications among all residents.  To accomplish these objectives, the Association shall:

Section 1. Community Problems

Advise the residents and appropriate Prince George's County officials of health, safety, and crime problems that arise in the neighborhood.  Advise all residents of any appropriate corrective action, if any, that may be taken.

Section 2. Legislative and Zoning Issues

Bring pertinent legislative and zoning issues that could have an impact on neighborhood property values to the attention of the membership; obtain information bearing on such issues; provide a forum for their discussion; and provide the means through which community action may be taken.

Section 3. County Code Violations

Bring violations of Prince George's County Codes, involving such items as property maintenance, noise, animals, and the parking of motor vehicles, motor homes, and boats, to the attention of the County with a request for corrective action

Section 4. Social Activities

Schedule social activities, such as a period for refreshments following General Meetings, holding an annual community picnic, and conducting a holiday decoration contest of homes in December.

Section 5. Discrimination

Not discriminate in any actions or functions of the Association on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, or sexual orientation.



Section 1. Membership

Any resident is eligible for membership who owns or rents a home located within the neighborhood boundary.  Each household shall have one vote.

Section 2. Dues

Annual dues shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership.  A member whose dues are paid for the current calendar year shall be considered a member in good standing.


Section 1. Officers

The elected officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.  Any member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to hold office.

Section 2. Term of Office

The officers of the Association shall serve for a term of two years.  They shall begin their term immediately following the conclusion of the General Meeting at which their election is reported.

Section 3. Vacancies

Vacancies that occur shall be filled by appointment by the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.  Appointees shall serve until the next election.  If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall become President until the next election.


Section 1. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected Officers, three Members-at-Large, a Block Captain Chair, and a Student Member.

Section 2. Appointment of Board Members

The Members at Large, Block Captain Chair, and Student Member shall be appointed by the elected Officers of the Association at the General Meeting which next follows the General Meeting at which they are elected.

Section 3. Term of Office for Appointed Members

The appointed members of the Board shall serve for a term of two years.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies that occur among appointed members of the Board shall be filled by appointment by the Officers of the Association at their discretion.  Appointees shall serve until the next election.



Section 1. President

The President shall carry out the day-to-day management of the Association, keeping the Board of Directors informed; preside at meetings of the Association and Board of Directors; make and sign contracts on behalf of the Association with the advice and consent of the majority of the Board, or may delegate such authority to another member of the Board.  The President will serve as an ex‑officio member of all committees, and have such other powers and duties as customarily pertain to the office of President.

Section 2. Vice President

The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties; assume the duties of the president in his/her absence; and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.

Section 3. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence, files, records and papers of the Association; prepare and disseminate notices regarding meetings, and other information as may be directed by the President; and perform the duties of the Recording Secretary when required, and all other duties as requested by the President.

Section 4. Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall record, disseminate, and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; and perform the duties of the Corresponding Secretary when required, and all other duties as requested by the President.

Section 5. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

 a. Receive and give receipt for all monies due and payable to the Association.

 b. Endorse all checks, drafts, and money orders received by the Association.

 c. Sign all checks, drafts and money orders issued by the Association.

 d. Keep a record of all monies received and distributed by the Association.

 e. Deposit all funds received in the Association's bank account and maintain records  of that account.

 f. Keep all financial books and records of the Association in current order.

 g. Provide a financial statement monthly to the Board of Directors, and a financial  report annually to the members of the Association.

 h. Maintain a registry of membership in the Association.

 i. Perform all other duties as requested by the President and Board of Directors.

Section 6. Block Captain Chair

The Block Captain Chair shall establish a cadre of Block Captains, with each responsible for a group of neighborhood homes; coordinate and manage the activities of the Block Captains, including the distribution of meeting notices; and coordinate an annual membership drive by the Block Captains.

Section 7. Members at Large

The Members-at-Large, and the Student Member shall carry out specific duties as assigned by the Board, such as Program Coordinator, Parliamentarian, and Publicist.  The Members-at-Lodge and the Student Member shall attend General Meetings and Board Meetings, and accept additional duties as requested by the President.

Section 8. Authority of the Board of Directors

The Board shall have the authority to enact such rules and appoint such committees as are necessary for the management of the Association.  A quorum of the Board shall consist of a majority of the Board, including at least one elected Officer.



Section 1. Board of Directors

1. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President, a majority of the Board, or at the written request of ten members of the Association in good standing; before every General Meeting of the Association; and in those months in which a General Meeting is not held.

2. A quorum for conducting business shall consist of four members of the Board, including at least one elected Officer.  Meetings may be accomplished in person or by the use of the mail, telephone, fax‑machine, or on-line computer.  Board meetings shall be open to all members of the Kingswood community.

Section 2. General Meetings

A General Meeting shall be held monthly on the second Thursday of the month.  Notice of General Meetings shall be given to the membership prior to the meeting.  A quorum for conducting business at a General Meeting shall consist of at least two elected Officers and eight other members in good standing.  Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. 

The Order of Business should generally be:

 a. Call to Order                                                             e. Committee Reports

 b. Guest Speaker                                                          f. New Business

 c. Officer's Reports                                                       g. Announcements

 d. Reading of Communications                                       h. Adjournment

Section 3. Parliamentary Procedures

All meetings of the Association shall be conducted using Robert's Rules of Order as a guideline.



Section 1. Standing Committees

1.The following Standing Committees shall assist the Board of Directors in carrying out the objectives of the Association:

 a. Block Captains                                             d. Recreation

 b. Property Maintenance                                    e. Welcoming

 c. Hospitality                                                    f. Membership

2.The Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Board for a period of two years that coincides with the election of Officers, and shall consist of a Chair and as many members as deemed necessary.  Committee Chairs will report, as requested by the President, at meetings of the Board of Directors and General Meetings.

Section 2. Special or Ad Hoc Committees

Special or Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed by the President as required.  Their term shall expire when the purpose for which they were appointed has been accomplished and they are so notified by the President, or at the conclusion of the General Meeting at which the results of the next election of Officers is reported.



Section 1. Nominating Committee

The Board of Directors shall appoint a Nomination Committee composed of five members of the Association.  The President shall call the first meeting of the committee, at which the Committee shall choose a Chair from among themselves.

Section 2. Candidates

 The Nominating Committee shall solicit nominations from the membership for all positions in a notice distributed to all members.  The Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates, which may include additional nominees of the Committee's own choosing.  The Committee shall secure the consent of all nominees to serve if elected.  All nominees shall be members in good standing.  The Chair shall report the slate of candidates to the Board.

Section 3. Elections

The slate of candidates shall be made known to the membership in ballot form in a notice distributed to all members in time for voting to be conducted by mail prior to the General Meeting at which election results will be announced.  The ballots shall be collected and counted by the Committee, and the results reported by the Chair at that General Meeting.  Newly elected Officers shall take office at the next General Meeting.



1. Should any unexpected or surplus funds result from the operation of the Association, such funds shall not be used for the benefit of any member but shall be held for the purposes of the Association.  No Officer or Director shall receive any compensation for services as an Officer or Director.  Expenditures for out of pocket expenses associated with the operation of the Association, such as refreshments, stamps and copying costs, shall be reimbursed upon presentation of a dated receipt.  Any special expenditure must receive prior approval from the Board. 

2. The President or Treasurer is authorized to approve expenditures up to a total of $100 per month if there is not time for Board approval.  Annually, the President shall appoint a member of the Association, who is not member of the Board, to conduct an independent audit of the Associations financial records and accounts.



Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any member of the Association in good standing‑ Such proposals shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing together with the rationale for the changes.  The Board may accept or reject such proposals by a two‑thirds majority vote of the Board.  Upon acceptance by the Board, motions to amend the Bylaws shall be provided to the membership at least thirty days prior to the General Meeting at which motions to amend will be considered.  Approval of the motions to amend shall require a two-thirds majority of all votes cast.

Posted by jeff7500 on 04/10/2008
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