We are in need of new officers to fill the expiring terms of the current officers.
President- Oversees that registration w/ the state so that it stays current, that insurance coverages stays current , coordiinates w/ LG&E, mowing contracts, lawn service, etc that everything stays current. Delegates special projects to other interested parties. Tries to resolve any complaints. Helps w/ newsletter & dues collection.
VP- provides backup for the President by researching special projects ( for instance, a solution to the crumbling front entry) for the benefit of the association. And fills in for President when needed. Helps w/ newletter and dues collection.
Secretary/Treasurer- Keeps records for the association. Written minutes from the meetings as well as the financial records. Prepares statements, etc for the accountant at tax time. Helps w/ the newsletter, sends out the newsletter w/ the yearly assesments, and dues collection.
Currently I'm doing the books on Quickbooks. So if you are interested in handling the books, be assured Quickbooks software makes an easy tiime of it. If 2 people are interested in this position we could separate the jobs.
FYi- There are also 5 or 6 other volunteers that call and send reminders to late dues payors.
If you are interested an any of these positions, please call me Tom Michael @ 931-9597.