Lake Bosse Oaks

September.October 2011



10 Years and it was only yesterday

by Debi Walter

This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of a day that changed us all forever.  September 11th, now memorialized as Patriot Day, was the worst tragedy to hit our shores in centuries.  Below is the article I wrote for our Lake Bosse Sun in October 2001:

“God Bless America” is a phrase that adorns many marquees since the horrific events that took place in Manhattan and Washington D.C.  However, this is not only a prayer but it is also a statement of fact.  In watching the lives of many perish needlessly at the hands of violent terrorists, we all realize now more than ever just how much we can’t control.  In a matter of minutes we felt vulnerable, and many immediately sought the help of the only One who is able to guide us.  God didn’t change, our perspective did.  Our freedoms ring much louder, our love for our neighbor has been magnified, our devotion to God has come front and center, and the things that mattered most to us on September 10th have suddenly taken a back seat in our priorities.

To bless someone means to make happy or to make successful.  It is obvious that God has indeed blessed America.  As you read this newsletter, may you embrace your loved ones more tightly and thank God sincerely that He has given you this day.  Not only has God blessed America, but He has blessed each of us in more ways than we can count.”


President’s Corner, by Donna Kress


Time Flies!  In our last newsletter, I referenced the beginning of summer, and here we are nearing fall! The kids were getting out of school, and now school has officially begun again! 

With the children back in school, many of the same precautions that I mentioned for summer play are applicable for their school days. The Orange County Government Neighborhood Update provides a full list; below  are just a few:

For drivers:

  • Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs 
  • Reduce any distractions inside your car so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings. Put down your phone and don’t talk or text while driving 

For kids:

          • They should cross the street with an adult until they are at least 10 years old 
          • Never run out into the streets or cross in between parked cars 
          • Make sure they always walk in front of the bus where the driver can see them 


In conclusion from my meditative side, I want to share a few of the many things that I give thanks for, and possibly, you too might share a few of them!  Waking up each day;   a roof over my head in a neighborhood that makes me proud to call home; my neighbors that share this same sentiment; and lastly, the homeowners that participated and organized our second annual National Night Out on August 2nd !!!!


“ARB” Wired


Hello Fellow Neighbors,

The Board looks forward to announcing the winner of this year’s Summer Yard of the Month. Who will be be? You’ll soon find out!

Looking to make improvements to your home…. Great!  Please remember that exterior construction or installation of your improvement or change to your property must be submitted to the Architectural Review Board (ARB) prior to applying the changes.

Removing any oak trees in the subdivision also requires a written approval of the Architectural Review Boards.

Attached you will find an ARB approval form.  If you are looking to make changes, please submit this form prior to beginning your project.  

Take care and thank you for your continued cooperation.

Kind Regards on behalf of the ARB,



Below is a excerpt from a book titled, The Great Neighborhood Book: A Great Do-It-Yourself Guide to Placemaking.

by Jay Walljasper

Lake Bosse Oaks Ten Great Places


  1. Brian Walker’s Memorial Bench
  2. 2 Picnic Tables
  3. Birket Bench
  4. Center Island on Rinn Way
  5. Lakefront for fishing
  6. Connecting sidewalks
  7. __________________
  8. __________________
  9. __________________
  10. __________________


As you can see we are in need of more great spots in our neighborhood.  Can you think of ways to make our neighborhood more “friendly?”  We’re over halfway there!

The woodpecker might have to go!


Thanks to all who helped make our National Night Out event a success.  Although we didn’t have as many neighbors attend as we had hoped, it was great to welcome so many of our neighbors from Cobblestone.  

The first Tuesday in August is always set aside as the National Event.  We hope next year you’ll set aside this day to attend.  It is a great way to connect with our nearby neighbors as well as the Orange County Sheriff’s Dept.


Here are a few tips for staying safe this Halloween:



  • Go only to well-lit houses and remain on the porches rather than entering the houses.
  • Travel in small groups and have an adult as a chaperone.
  • Know their phone number and have at least one cell phone in the group. (In the past, the recommendation was small coins for emergency use in pay stations.)
  • Have name tags with addresses on their costumes.
  • Bring the “goody” bag home for parents to inspect before eating any of it.
  • Use flexible swords and knives with costumes instead of the hard, rigid plastic type.



  • Supervise the trick-or-treat outings for all kids under 12 years of age.
  • Establish a curfew (a return time) for the older children.
  • Prepare the home for trick-or-treaters by cleaning off the porch, lawns, and sidewalks and placing jack-o-lanterns away from doorways and landings.
  • Avoid giving hard candy, nuts, or gum or small toys to small children for fear of them getting choked. 
  • Inspect all candy for safety before the kids begin to eat it. 
  • Insure the safety of pedestrian trick-or-treaters. •Supervise all kids under 10 years old as they cross streets. 
  • Watch for children in the streets and on the medians.
  • Exit driveways and alleyways carefully. 
  • Have kids always exit the car on the passenger side.
  • Carve pumpkins on flat, stable surfaces with good lighting. Let the kids draw the faces on the pumpkins and the adults do the carving. 
  • Place lighted pumpkins away from draperies or other flammable objects. Do not leave lighted pumpkins unattended.


Kim and Jason by Jason Kotecki


Hey Kids!  It’s Fall and Scott’s Corn Maze will open Saturday, Sept. 17th.  You can see all the details on their website:

What are your plans for Halloween?  Below is the list of the most popular costumes for 2011 as well as a maze of your very own to try and solve.  

Top Kids Costumes for 2011:


  • Smurfs
  • Ironman
  • Harry Potter
  • Superheroes (Spiderman, Batman)
  • All Princess characters (Cinderella, Snow White, Tinkerbell)
  • Pirates
  • Monster High
  • Star Wars
  • Mario
  • Twilight

Try your hand at finding your way through this maze.  Start at his neck and exit through his ear.  

Lake Bosse Oaks

Homeowners Association, Inc.
Architectural Review Board

P.O. Box 607712

Orlando, FL 32860-7712

Date:  __________________________

Address of improvement:  ______________________________________________________________________

Homeowner Name:  ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number:  ______________________________________________________________________________

Contractor:  __________________________________________________________________________________

Improvement description:  ______________________________________________________________________




The Lake Bosse Oaks Architectural Review Board hereby approves/ disapproves the above described improvement plus attached plans and / or drawings and is subject to the written disclaimer below.


The Lake Bosse Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., and this committee named the Architectural Review Board and both their members, individually, are not liable or responsible for any improvements that have not been approved in writing.  Therefore, any improvements not correctly approved may have to be removed and all financial burdens will remain the homeowner’s responsibility.  This written approval is limited only to what plans have been submitted for this respective improvement.  The homeowner of the above described property is responsible for contacting their respective utility, electric, cable television, phone, water and/ or gas company to locate their lines before any improvements are  made.  The Lake Bosse Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., and this committee named the Architectural Review Board and both their members, individually, will not be held liable or responsible if the homeowner hits, breaks, disconnects, destroys or interrupts service of any utility, electric, cable television, phone, water and/or gas company’s lines that has or has not been shown in these submitted plans or drawings.  The homeowner is responsible for following the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Lake Bosse Oaks and the Architectural Review Board’s rules and regulations.  Build at your own risk.  The Lake Bosse Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., and this committee named the Architectural Review Board and both their members, individually, are not liable or responsible in the approved improvement falls, breaks, tears apart, collapses, deteriorates, damages itself and/or any real or personal property of the homeowner and/or neighbors.  The Lake Bosse Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., and this committee named the Architectural Review Board and both their members, individually, are not liable or responsible if the approved improvement hurts, injures and/or kills a human being and/or animal during or after the construction of said improvement.


By signing below, the homeowner has read this statement and promises to comply


_________________________________________ __________________________________
Architectural Review Board, Homeowner

committee leader

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