The South Side has made some significant progress in the second quarter of 2009. The following is a list of accomplishments and future plans the board has made. As always we are looking for new blood to participate in neighborhood planning and projects. Contact Cecil Driskell if you would like to actively participate.
1. The sprinkler system on Prercinct Lline Road has been automated.
2. A new pump has been installed in the South Lake to draw water for the sprinkler system. This will save the HOA money in the long run as we no longer are using city water.
3. We have hired a part time Security guard to enforce leash and dog waste clean-up laws and Trespassing violations. We have seen a dramatic decrease in non-HOA residents fishing on the lake.
4. The HOA board has authorized registered, small, non-motorized boats to be used on the South Lake. (i.e. paddle boats, canoes) This is a trial program for one year. Liability waivers must be signed and several strict rules must be agreed to as well a safety inspection of the boat to be used. There is a $26 annual registration fee. Contact Mitch Barnum at 214-563-1894 for more details and to register your boat.
5. The board has hired a new lawn service to mow the HOA common areas. We should see a savings in landscape fees over the next year.
6. New signs have been posted in and around the lake stating that South Lake is for Catch and Release only and is to be used by LORT HOA members only.
7. HOA-South is planning to have an HOA meeting in late July at the Hurst Library. Keep an eye out for signs announcing the Date and Time.
8. A Rules Committee has been formed with members of the North and South. This committee is looking at modifying the By-Laws.