The February Lakeview Neighborhood Board Meeting was moved to Thursday, Feb 7 instead of Feb 14 - to accommodate those whose Valentines expected them to share the evening with them, instead of at a meeting :) Another surprise came from the Firemen at Station #30 where the meeting is always held - the firemen had a call to go on, so we were immediately asked to leave - at 7:04 p.m., just after the meeting was starting. A quick decision was made to move to the Warr Acres Library for our meeting, and that is what was done. One of the items discussed at the meeting was the obvious (again) need for another meeting place - one that was larger so we could accomodate more visitors and encourage more residents to attend and be active in the neighborhood. It was decided we would move to Grace United Methodist Church (just west of NW Expressway, south of 63rd, east of Tulsa) for our future meetings, beginning in March. A flyer will be sent out for the block captains to deliver in early March to let all the residents know of the new location. Watch for yours!