Mike presented the Treasurer’s Report, pointing out that the Budget for the Beautification Committee is not sufficient. Cost of the flowers from June 2003 to present for the entry and Reeves Memorial were $277, and only $275 was budgeted for the entire year. The Board agreed to increase the amount by $250, giving the committee $525 for the year. Lori pointed out that the funds set aside for printing the newsletter and directory will not be needed, so there will be enough money to cover the increase for beautification.
Total membership is now 85 households, an increase of 6 new members since our last meeting. A new directory is being prepared, to be distributed to members only later this month.
The next newsletter will be ready in late January. As usual, it will go to all residents.
There was very little interest in the shirts and other apparel with LOL logos, so that volunteer effort was abandoned.
Elmer and Norma Cranor won the Yard of the Season award for winter. They live at 1290 Land of Lakes Drive. They received a $25 gift certificate to The Home Depot. The award for best holiday decorations went to Jack Walsh and Jackie Rinehart, at 1325 Land of Lakes Drive. They received a $50 gift certificate to The Home Depot.
Ed and Silvina Klass have kindly donated a $2 coupon good for a discount on one adult admission to the Atlanta Garden and Patio Show at Cobb Galleria Center. This will be included in the next newsletter.
The maintenance of the entry flowers, walls and lighting was discussed. The Board voted against a maintenance contract, and agreed to monitor these expenses.
A homeowner had suggested that the Board require a written estimate prior to approval of unusual expenses, and the Board declined to add this to the bylaws.
We will reserve the pavilion at Roswell Area Park for our Summer Picnic and ask for volunteers to serve on a committee to plan the event. Our annual general membership meeting will take place at the picnic.
The Spring Garage Sale will take place in April, and a chairperson is needed.
Within a few weeks, we will determine a permanent home for the LOL mailbox, and the location will be announced in the next newsletter.
Lori will talk with Bob Lantz about the preparations for election of new officers and the new business directory.
Nell Fernandez, Secretary