Suzy Glover called the meeting to order at 6:32.
Jake DeBusk led the opening prayer.
The minutes of the last meeting were read by Kay Ferrell; accepted as read.
Suzy Glover gave the treasurer's report.
M.O. Nooner and Ellis gave the COP report and discussed recent activity i the area.
Rebecca Zittle addressed the group on the grant she is writing requesting DOJ funds for the area. She also collected the survery forms from the September "In the Zone".
The 3ed annual Halloween Bags for the students at Pat Henry Elementry was approved.
Thanksgiving basket tickets were distributed. Money and tickets due at the November meeting.
A Patrolling Bucket was established to help offset the cost of gas for those who patrol.
Election of officers was conducted. Since there was only one candidate for each office, the elections were made by acclamation. The new officers will begin their duties immediately.
The floor was opened for discussion of citizen's concerns.
Suzy announced the upcoming meetings for the the month and invitied everyone to stay for cake and other refreshments to celebrate the 3ed anniversary of our organization.
Suzy adjourned the meeting at 7:12