Loma Linda Homeowners Association

Animals running around neighborhood

Posted in: Loma Linda HOA
I think it is very inconsiderate that some of my neighbors allow their cats to roam free and it is becoming a huge problem. I have seen at least 4 different cats running around in my yard and they have begun going to the bathroom in my yard. Twice now I've found fecal matter in my yard and it is disgusting to all of my neighbors the rules of the the Loma Linda HOA is to keep your pets in your yard so if I have to follow the rules everybody else should too so keep your doggies and pussycats in your yard or house!!!!

I am experiencing a similar problem in my area, mostly due to unleashed dogs roaming the neighborhood. This is a violation of the Polk County Laws that require all dogs to be on a leash and the owners are required to clean up after them. You are well within your rights to call Polk County Animal Control and report stray animals.

My sincere appreciation goes out to all the neighbors who DO follow the rules and pick up after their animals! Thank You!

Please check out the new link to POLK COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCES. Learn your options for responding to a stray on your property or a noisy animal. 

What you don't understand is that in Florida for whatever reason, people let their cats run loose to fend for themselves.  What is worse is they are not spayed or neutered and continue the cycle.  They are at risk of being hit by cars, disease and predators.  The problem is not just inconsiderate neighbors alone.  If you remove a stray, another will take it's place in the territory.  Contact your local Humane Society (there is a nice one in Polk County) and find out the best way to combat the stray animal problem.  Better yet, adopt the stray and keep it inside where it can live a happier and safer life. 

Davenport, Florida 33837