April 4 LDDI Executive Committee Meeting, 7:30 a.m., Dixons 1610 16th St.
April 5 Mtkg. Committee, 8 a.m., Dixons, 1610 16th St.
April 6 St. Charles Monthly Board Meeting, 6 p.m., Dixons, 1610 16th St.
April 7 LoDown Newsletter Committee, 11:30 a.m., Dixons, 1610 16th St.
First Fridays Art Walk, LoDo galleries
April 8 Free Tour with Tom Noel and Barbara Gibson sponsored by Riverfront Park/East West Partners (from Larimer Street down 15th Street, along Cherry Creek and into Platte Valley), 10:30 a.m., tour begins at 1443 Larimer
Street (call 303-623-1500 for reservations)
April 13 WEEBOT, 5:30-7 p.m., Dixons, 1610 16th St.
April 19 UrbaNites, 5-7 p.m., Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant, 1525 Blake St.
April 20 LDDI Meeting, 5p.m., Dixons, 1610 16th St.
April 20 WEEBOT, 5:30-7 p.m., Dixons, 1610 16th St.
April 22 Artist Talk: Scott Chamberlin, 2 p.m., Museum of Contemporary Art, 1275 19th St. at Sakura Square (exhibit runs until May 7th)
April 27 WEEBOT, 5:30-7 p.m., Dixons, 1610 16th St.
March-April New Paintings from Udo Noger and Ceramic Sculpture from Brad Miller and Jeanne Quinn exhibit, Robischon Gallery, 6-8 p.m., 1740 Wazee St., (exhibit runs until April 22)
March-April Volume (including works by Michael Brohman, Bruce Price, Jeff Richards, Barbara Sorenson and Jeff Wenzer) exhibit, Ron Judish Fine Arts, 6-9 p.m., 1617 Wazee St. (exhibit runs March 14-April 15)
March-April High Degrees: Ceramics by Colorado Art Faculty exhibit, Metro State: Center for the Visual Arts, 1734 Wazee St. (exhibit runs until April 22)
March-May Scott Chamberlin Twelve Years: Drawing & Sculpture exhibit, Museum of Contemporary Art, 1275 19th St. at Sakura Square (exhibit runs until May 7th)
Every Wednesday, noon, LoDo Rotary meets at Wynkoop Brewery. LDDI Events, Membership, Urban Design and Transportation Committees meet once a month. Call the LDDI office for dates, locations and times. Rockies Day Games: April 10, 12, 15, 16, 28; Rockies Night Games: April 11, 13, 14, 29, 30