Annual Meeting Held, New Officers and Members Elected, Growth Planned
The DDRO holiday party ad annual meeting was held December 29 at the Oxford Hotel. Our sincere thanks to Samantha Martel of LoDo and Downtown Denver News and Patty Aslett of Epicurean Catering.
The following were elected as officers and board members of the year 2000:
Esther Tatlock, President
Melanie Gregory, Vice President
Jim McNally, Secretary
Helen Hard, Treasurer
Newly elected Board members include:
Judie Bratek
Nancy Brock
Betty Buchanan
Fred Buschhoff
Elizabeth Canfield
Larry Gibson
Dave Hannes
Jack Houser
Samantha Martel
Mike McPhee
Patricia Peterson
Bryan Schmidt
Ed Shea
Phyllis Ursetta
Jackie Westhoven
Doug Willey
DDRO is anticipating a tremendous 2000 with Commons Park completion including a playground, new buildings in the Golden Triangle and Central Platte Valley areas, and most importantly, an increase in active memberships to share in this energetic neighborhood. Dues are individuals $10 a year, patrons $50.
For membership information, call 303-820-3376.