Madison Park

Common Sense Tips

Don't Be A Victim

* Don't display expensive items in plain view. Keep them out of sight when not in use.

* Keep ladders locked in the garage. Burglars can use them for otherwise inaccessible second-story windows.

* Don't open your door to strangers. Be wary of solicitors and salespersons: Check their identification. If strangers ask to use the telephone, tell them to stay outside while your make the call for them. Lock the door when you go to make the call to prevent entry by the stanger into your home.

* Don't give information to strangers about your neighbors.

* Keep your doors locked while working in the yard. Someone could slip in while you're not looking.

* Don't advertise new gifts or purchases. Break up cartons before leaving them at the curb.

* Call the police (911) if you notice anything suspicious in your neighborhood.

* If you see a burglar in action, get a good discription of him or her, the vehicle involved, and the tag number. If they drive off try and notice the direction of their exit. Write it down and call 911 the police immediately.

Posted by marty5223 on 06/04/2004
Charlotte, North Carolina

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