Neighborhood residents may request multi-way stop sign controls at intersections. Multi-way stops are typically more effective in discouraging cut-thru traffic. The procedure for obtaining multi-way stops involves a two-step process:
Step 1:
Obtain a multi-way stop request form from CDOT or submit a request online. Complete and mail in the form furnishing information needed for CDOT to begin an evaluation to determine if the intersections qualify for multi-way stop controls. The evaluation will determine if the location(s) requested are eligible based on the criteria below.
Intersections which are not clearly visible on the approaches not previously stopped, or are intersections which, by CDOT judgment, motorists would not expect to stop, may be deemed ineligible or require an overhead flasher. Indicate on the application form if a flasher is acceptable. Staff will advise if a flasher is required prior to the circulation of the petition.
Criteria/Policy (effective 10/23/06)
Step 2:
If intersections are eligible for multi-way stop controls, neighborhood support is desired, and can be obtained by one of two methods:
1) A letter of endorsement by the neighborhood association. The neighborhood association will be required to notify affected property owners of the proposed installation of the multi-way stop, and no petition will be required, or
2) If the neighborhood association does not support the proposed service, the resident can petition. Petitions require signatures of at least 60% of all property owners within a 600 ft. impact area of the multi-way. If a petition is required, the CDOT will provide a petition that identifies those streets/blocks to be petitioned.
Letters of endorsement or petition(s) should be mailed to the Public Service & Communication Division. After receipt and validation, multi-way stop sign controls will be installed. Those requiring flashers may be delayed due to the time frame required to purchase equipment, connect electricity, and schedule installation.
CDOT will install multi-way stops at some intersections due to special safety or traffic flow problems, but where a traffic signal is not yet justified. Guidelines followed are the national "Uniform Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices."
To request a multi-way stop call the CharMeck 311 Call Center at 311.