Madison Park

Untidy Neighbors...

Posted in: Madison Park
Think about it this way...

I take great pride in my yard and my home-I've worked AMAZINGLY hard to keep things up and I've spent more money than I would even like to realize.

I empathize with the original poster and also hope that other members of the community join in and hopefully-if we're lucky-maybe someone has some experience in approaching the situation that had a positive impact and didn't leave an akward situation between neighbors.

To the ''upset'' poster-Imagine if EVERYONE..I mean each and every house on the street had crap in their yards or random odds and ends piled up on their porch...Do you think we would have as nice of a community as we do? Which neighborhood would you rather live in? The one you call home now or the one I just described? Behind closed doors we are all entitled to live the way we want. If we want to be pack rats or just collect the oddest of things-no one has a right to tell us we can't. BUT-when your choices impact all of those around you then shame on should have been taught better.

Just read all the replys to this! Its great to see we have such an active community and so many people care about Madison Park!! I just moved here(6 months) and I'm new to this site.

My two cents...
This is a great community to call home-couldn't be happier to be here...In my own personal opinion...those people who are as the poster earlier quoted ''untidy''..are kind of like people who don't pay taxes yet use the services. Spelled out plain and simple:
Taxes= Yard work, keeping your yard nice and clean, not storing junk cars and items for everyone to see, regular mowing,etc. (you get it!)
Services= Each time I drive home I get to appreciate the beautiful trees, landscaping, and compliments my friends and family pay to the community! Also-need I mention it-our community is appreciating at almost 4X's the average!!

And I don't think keeping your yard clean, free of odds and ends, etc. is a matter of finances-its just good housekeeping.
are you going to answer the ?

Still yet to hear the method of persuasion in this case, does no one else wonder at all? I don't see any mention of the yard here, collecting things on the front porch is awfully obscure also but I do see quite a lot of upity comments from people who sound well upity. Is there no human factor here? I find myself agreeing more with the Hitler reference, while he was not anonymous his snitches were

Im sorry-I don't feel comfortable with the way it seems this is going. I didnt start this post to instigate or cause a confrontation. Its always hard to tell through text-but I see a red flag out in the distance that seems to tell me that this is not going the way I had originally intended.

I thought that this could potentially help others who were in a similar situation as me-I know that my neighbors and I had a hard time figuring out how to handle things.To even bring up the name Hitler is well..scary..and the little I can gather from your posts tells me that we would probably disagree on a lot of things...first and foremost approaches to meaningful constructive communication.

Charlotte, North Carolina