Madison Park

Deer IN The Woods

Posted in: Madison Park
I am currently trying to find someone to help with the Deer in the Woods. I think its great we have deer so close to our neighborhood! My concern is with the start of construction of the sports fields for Queens University at Marion Diehl in January and the bike trails on the other side of Tyvola. On top of that we have the Little Sugar Creek Greenway coming with its walking bridges, trails and so forth. I am afraid the deer will be ran out of their environment! This is a very isolated amount of woods they live in currently. This will also not be good for anyone driving in the immediate area. Deers and automobiles don't mix. Anyone with suggestions on how to get the deer relocated would be appreciated. I have emailed the NC Wildlife Commission and alerted City Counsel and County Commissioners to my Concern!
Deer Info Update

I learned from the NC Wildlife Commission it is illegal in NC to capture/sedate or relocate Deer due to concerns wtih Chronic Wasting Disease! Anyway I have emailed the Mayor and he is going to request CDOT install signs warning of DEER CROSSING or Watch for DEER along Tyvola Road and Park Road! He is also going to alert The Little Sugar Creek Planners to the concerns with the DEER! IF the trails for the Greenway stay on the Park Road side of the Creek maybe the deer can coexist in the woods behind Park Road Park.

NC law prohibits the movement of deer in our state due to chronic wasting and very serious illness according to the Wildlife Commission...due to this the deer must relocate without the aid of man....

I have requested that CDOT at least put up signs along Tyvola Road warning of the potential of Deer Crossing.. The Mayor forwarded the request to the Dot and I have not heard back from the person that was going to inspect the location....NCDOT prefers to wait until a DEER is hit by a car to install signs.....I will update this when I hear back from CDOT.
Deer Signs

CDOT emailed yesterday they will be installing Deer Crossing Signs within the next two weeks on Tyvola.....this will be great for both Drivers and the Deer.....Thanks CDOT
Charlotte, North Carolina