I am dog owner and carry a bag with me when I walk my dog. However this is not always the case with other dog walkers.
I have personally witnessed dog walkers on 4 separate occasions looking the other way while their dog takes a dump in my neighbor's yard then walk away. 3x's it was the same guy and another time it was a woman.
Anyone else find this unacceptable? Ideas to get reminders out to folks?
By Responsible Pet Owner
Covered in Minutes 3 x this year
Our guest speaker just talked about it Monday night. See minutes. Our county estimates dog waste of 52,115 lbs a day.
The speaker even had little containers that carry a bag that strap to dog collars for members in attendance.
Also covered 2/12/07 in minutes
Covered 4/9/07 by Animal Control guest speaker, and covered 5/14/07 by Water Quality Educator!
By Madison Park HOA
3 x's should do it
Thats nice that it has been covered three times in the notes. How is it being communicated to those not reading the notes?
The information is not getting out to those in violation.
Report Specific Issues to 311
We have 1000's of visitors to our web site every month. At the three meetings that we have discussed this topic at least 150 members minimum have been in attendace. Hundreds of copies of the minutes are read each month either online, or e-mailed directly to the membership. If you have specific issues that are repeat problems, call 311 and report it. It will be investigated by animal control. They are the ones that issues fines! Thx
By Madison Park