The annual Neighborhood Symposium is Saturday, May 16, 2009 at the Charlotte Convention Center

Neighborhood Awards
Parking  new


Neighborhood Symposium Workshops

Dollars and Sense: Economic Development equals Neighborhood Development
This workshop explores ways to help participants gain an understanding of how economic development supports neighborhood development and revitalization.  Attendees will also learn how government leaders promote neighborhood revitalization thru economic redevelopment.

Keeping up Appearances
This workshop will give residents an opportunity to see how important their role is in making sure their homes are in good condition by explaining the process for reporting and correcting common nuisance violations.  Residents will also learn about various programs that are available to help make their community a safer, more attractive place.

A Greener Side of Life: Recycling
This workshop will give participants tips on easy ways to living green; while showing them how they can have a positive impact on improving their home and earth environment.  In addition, participants will be able to access recycling centers, non-profits and other agencies to donate unwanted items to reduce amount of trash going into land fields.

Planning Neighborhoods for Better Living
Creating neighborhoods that can be sustained over the long haul requires effective planning.  This workshop will explain how the Planning department implements policies and designs to improve the economic, social, physical, and safety framework of our neighborhoods.

Destination beyond Tomorrow
This workshop will help participants gain an understanding of the Charlotte Transportation System and what services available city wide are including; CATS buses light rail, the multi-modal transportation system, roadways, and connectivity.

Police+ Citizen partnerships = Safe Neighborhoods
This workshop will give an overview of the community safety issues that confront Charlotte neighborhoods.  Participants will discuss strategies for building problem-solving partnerships that will create and sustain a healthy and safe environment.

Keeping your House Your Home
This workshop will provide residents with information on the City's initiatives to promote homeownership and affordable housing.  In addition, participants will gain access to current resources available to better understand and prevent foreclosure.

Sidewalks, Curb & Gutter......Oh My!
This workshop will provide residents with a basic overview of City Infrastructure Improvement programs.  In addition, help neighborhoods understand the process for requesting sidewalks, traffic calming devices and other infrastructure.

Register for the 2009 Neighborhood Symposium.  Due to limited workshop and luncheon seating, pre-registration is required this year.  Deadline is May 8

register at