What a CRAP show last night. I could only take 5 minutes of that mess of an Awards Show.
It was not but a few years ago "2015" when the Hash tag was coined Oscars So White!
Wow ....Then we had 4 years of Trump Bashing Oscars that was un watchable, and now it is a show that clearly should be on BET.
Clearly now a political police hating BLM hacked AWARDS Show.
You can have the Oscars and your crappy Movies Hollyweird.
If you can't have an awards show just about the movies, then why have one at all. I always thought the entire thing was a bit of patting on the back silliness anyway.
I use to know all the movies and would of seen them all before the awards, but with covid and theaters closed didn't know any of them. Plus movies these days all frankly SUCK! I will stick to TCM and the oldies but goodies.
This from someone that has attended the red carpet twice!