Madison Park

Don't Call 911 For Gas Smell 7/14/22 10:45 am

Posted in: Madison Park


 City called stating gas smell is being investigated and to not call 911 for Fire for gas leak unless you think smell is coming from your home!  
#CMPD Telecommunicators are receiving a high volume of 9-1-1 calls about a strong gasoline smell across the Charlotte area. This is due to a weather event. PLEASE do not call 9-1-1 about this. It is preventing other people with emergencies from reaching 9-1-1. #clt#cltnews


Meck Sheriff
ALERT: Gas smell reported downtown. @MeckCounty courthouse was evacuated but cleared by @charlottefire MCSO field deputies are assisting with traffic on East 4th street.

Stay inside until this subsides for safety!   Who knows what you are breathing.  

Charlotte, North Carolina