Another 200 plus cans in the Seneca Place area were stickered with the Recycle only these six items this week. All cans stickered were spot checked and at 90% had wrong items in the cans. This ranged from a few items to the entire can being contaminated.
NEVER BAG your recyclable items. If you bag them they are not opened, and are hauled to the Speedway Landfill. An entire tractor trailer truck of compacted trash is hauled each day from the MRF. All wrong items in carts are hauled to the Speedway landfill at a cost of around 2 million a year. That is just the cost to haul it. Not the cost from injuries to staff, or equipment break downs due to wrong items in the city curb side cart.
NO PLASTICS except for bottles with necks and jugs with necks! We don't look at the numbers on the plastics. Only again put in bottles with necks, and jugs with necks like your detergent bottles.
That means no plastic bags, no plastic wrap, no plastic cups, no plastic food containers, and no items in plastic bags. You are not helping by bagging items. It causes your items to be come trash.
You should find that if you put in only the six items accepted at curb side you can and will most likely not be very full.
Everything else not listed on the can sticker, or the mailer City Solid Waste sent out the last few weeks goes into the TRASH! When in Doubt Throw it Out!
No Rechargeable batteries in the trash. They are causing fires across America. They must go back to a store that accepts them like Home Depot or Lowes. You can also take them to a full service recycling center in Mecklenburg County.
Failure to follow curb side rules will/can result in no pickup in the future.
If recycling is not for you call 311 and have your green can picked up. We rather you not particpate than put in the wrong items.