The issue is crime and grime. The crime is in the form of the "210 Crips" moving into, primarily, Baja Mahncke. The grime is their signature, grafitti, that has found its way onto neighborhood businesses, mailboxes, and retaining walls (see photo of Andrews @ New Braunfels on 11/6/4).
According to SAFFE Officer Trevino, gang markings aren't the only culprit for the unsightly scribblings. There is a well-known (to SAPD) neighborhood resident who is also responsible for some of the neighborhood scrawl.
A threat to property values, our sense of security and propriety, neighbors are encouraged to battle back when they spot grafitti by calling/emailing our SAFFE officer, Analisa Trevino (see homepage listing for complete contact information) or the the SAPD gang-liaison Officer, Manuel Trujillo, at 207-7413.