Two hawks, different places, high, high in the old craggy ones, screened behind a latticework of branch and leaf, contrasted with a background of infinite fall-blue. Ubiquitous squirrels and hateful thorn vines. Bluegreen and sparkling here, the river dances and pauses before the downtown tourist calm. A royal carpet of bold and sassy green-red-yellow elm leaves. A poignant place where the unknown Someone, probably kind and gentle and detached, scatters on the rich earth, at the wide spot on a path, star-patterned cat food for the feral ones that crouch low to the ground and watch us, wildly suspicious, as we make our way by.
Brack is in wonderful metamorphosis.
Lulu and I stroll and deeply appreciate. The park is changing into the most wonderful natural oasis of peace in the heart of our city.
There, she, my 4-legged pal, contemplates the meanderings of the now-being-constructed walkways and paths, the rev of powerful construction machines pounding mysterious shapes out of soil and concrete, and the tireless efforts of brown-skinned men toiling and digging our neighborhood's adored neighbor into something even more wonderful.
If you haven't yet, make a pedestrian trip. Take a pal, like Lulu. Our neighbor is sprucing up for us and making our neighborhood a perfect example of what "quality of life" really means.
Something wonderful is on the way. Don't miss it.