Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you? Hopefully, the place on Eleanor Avenue is getting that feeling. Neighbors have been concerned for quite some time about the Eleanor-Delta apartments (see photo) because of the frequency of police visits throughout the day and night.
The following is a listing of calls that have been recorded by the SAPD (courtesy of our SAFFE Officer Trevino):
in 2000;
assault, threats, suspicious person, criminal mischief,and 2 miscellaneous calls.
in 2001;
in 2002;
2 for disturbances, suspicious vehicle, threats, lost property, missing person, disturbance, burglary, disturbance, fire, miscellaneous, patrol by, narcotics, disturbance/gun, and disturbance.
in 2003;
criminal mischief, fire, suicide, threats, missing person, theft, disturbance, accident, assault, miscellaneous, burglary, burglary, wanted person, narcotics,assault, family violence, miscellaneous, assist the public, narcotics, family disturbance, miscellaneous, burglary, information, disturbance, disturbance, ordinance violation, suspicious person, wanted person, narcotics, narcotics, miscellaneous, burglary, miscellaneous, miscellaneous, assault, and narcotics
and, in 2004 (between January and August);
theft, criminal mischief, and four 911 hang ups.