Hi. I wanted to take moment to update the community on dues and why they were being delivered later this year then normal. At our community meeting on 2/4 the budget was discussed and projected work that would need to be done in the future that we did not have the budget to cover. A resident made a motion to increase the dues. After much debate at the meeting from all residents at the meeting it was decided that this ballot to increase the dues should go out with the dues invoice. After the meeting it was brought to our attention that this does not fall in line with the guidelines for the community. The dues can only be increased with a vote at the annual meeting. Each board member debated this point and a vote was taken on including this ballot or not to inlcude it with the dues invoice. It was decided to delay the ballot to increase the dues and that we would proceed with mailing out the invoices. We appologize for any confusion. You may send in $150.00 without the dues invoice, please make sure your address is listed on the check.


Checks can be mailed to

Mansion Farm Maintenance Corporation

P.O. Box 1432

Bear, DE 19701