Gmom, Feel like you are getting attacked??? Now you know how it feels because you are constantly attacking this neighborhood and the people on the board about every little thing. Really, the intention of your postings may not be malicious, but the tone of your posts stinks!! The tone of every post that I have read of yours is accusatory, rude and rather degrading. The people that are on the board and all of the committees do not get paid! They volunteer countless hours of their own precious time to keep this neighborhood looking good and to keep property values up. As far as I am concerned unless you are part of any of those committees and/ or the board, the only thing you should be offering is your support and some thanks instead of negativity. As I read the postings from others who are on committees, they are being awfully cordial in their invitations to have you join. i have yet to see your response indicating that you are going to join them. Why is that? Seems like you are completely ignoring those parts of the emails. Where I work, my boss has always said that if you are going to complain, you need to come to the table with a solution, which I have always thought is good advice. You should heed the advice of a very wise and hardworking man!