For the record, the community does not hold parties.  There is a social committee that is run by some of the nice ladies in this community and they pay for the treats they give to the kids (on halloween, Easter, and Christmas) out of their own pockets.


Secondly,  the amount of snow we need in order to receive "some reimbursement" from the State is 4" (not 6 or 8).  But, that reimbursement does not cover the entire cost.  Anything under 4" we receive no reiumbursement.


Thirdly, snow removal is "not" a required service the MFMC provides to the community.  You can read the by-laws.  The roads belong to the state, therefore, it is their responsibility.  Which is why we get reimbursed some amount by them.  Theoretically, we could wait for the state to come plow the roads, but we know that we would be very low on their prioity list, so we do pay for the plowing out of our dues. 


Lastly, if you want to know what your dues "does" pay for it is landscaping (about $25k), insurance for the common ground ($3102), upkeep of the retension ponds ($11k), Fertilizing (around $3k), office expenses for the board and other projects that need to be done (last year we remulched the playgrounds and walking trail for around $3k).  This year we plan to replant dead shrubbery on our common ground and replace a parking pad that belongs to the community).  Last year we budgeted $6k for snow removal.   Oh, and we have to pay court costs to take people to court who refuse to pay their dues ($2500).  So, if people chose to not pay their dues or adhere to the deed restrictions they agreed to when they bought their home, we have the ability and right to take them court.


In a good year (last year was a very good year, we collected $60k on our dues) we collect between $50-60k per year.  So, please do the math.  Your dues are being managed in an honest and efficient manner by the volunteers who are on the board.  Of course, if you want to join the board, you are more than welcome to submit your name.  We always need new members to assist with the work.