Mansion Farm

Election Results

Posted in: Mansion Farm

Congratulations to all elected board members.


Welcome back - Betty Scott, Michael Maricich, and Brendan Powers.


Welcome new members of the Board - Crystal Brady and Jean Amundsen.


Contact information for the new Board of Directors will be available soon on our information page.

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Congratulations to our elected board members.


I was just wondering if or what the results were from the other items that were voted on? (solar panels, dues increase, etc.)


Also, will the budget be posted when the minutes are posted?

There were not enough ballots submitted to reach the needed 2/3 quorum (276) for the votesto count for the increase of dues, solar panels,  or the fence color change.  There were 165 ballots received from 413 residents.


Minutes from the 3 Februrary 2014 Annual Meeting and 2014 Budget will be posted shortly.

Bear, Delaware 19701