Mansion Farm

deed restrictions

Posted in: Mansion Farm

Per the February maintenance meeting minutes, can anyone please help me understand how R.C.Peoples can change the deed restriction at there will because they own one lot in the develpement. Why do we need to have two- third votes to change the deed restrictions if they can change it with one vote for and 411 against. I can't understand this.

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  • rmjabo
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  • Bear, DE
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I have talked to Desi at RC Peoples in length about this.  Changing our deed restrictions is not something they will do "willy nilly".  Thus the reason they have made every possible attempt to get input from EVERY home regarding solar panels and vinyl fences. 


The reason they have the ability to change the deed restrictions is for things such as solar panels which are being promoted and incentivized by both the state and federal governments, yet unallowed per MFMC.  Desi's reasoning in even attempting to get homeowners thoughts on solar is that when the deed restrictions were enacted, solar power wasn't afforable to the average "Joe Homeowner".  Now that it is afforable, RC Peoples believes everyone should be able to go green.  Since MFMC has a relatively absent membership, RC Peoples concluded that they should make the change to the deed restrictions.  They would not, for instance, change the deed restrictions to allow trampolines or above ground pools.

This still does not make sense to me. I bought my townhome 11 years ago based on the deed restrictions existing at the time with the understanding ever since then that it took 2/3 votes to make changes. It's not so much the solar issue,  it is that one property owner is making the rulings and changes out of 412. I'm not sure that its even legal. If RC Peoples runs this community then let them pay for the grass cutting and other maintence costs. It positively makes no sense. The deed restriction does not state that RC Peoples and they alone can change them. How many times has MFMC tried to raise the dues and has been unable to get the reqiured vote. Let RC Peoples enact it. I have no problem if the community votes to make these changes as mandated, I do have a big problem with one property owner determining how this community will be run.

Good question. I asked our elected officials the same question how RC Peoples after having finished building here 10 years ago they feel they still have the rigth to play god in our community.  Maybe if more people did the same RC People would get the message that they need to get they nose out of our business.  1 homeowner 1 vote.  I beleive that this is the foundation of a democratic system!

Bear, Delaware 19701