Mansion Farm

Howell School Road Closure Update

Posted in: Mansion Farm

Attached is the response received yesterday from the DelDot engineer, Rich Palmer, when asked the expected completion date of the roadwork on Howell School Road.  His email address is


The road is expected to be closed for 3 to 4 months.  There is a lot of utility relocation to be done before the contractor replaces the existing culvert crossing Howell School Road, which is the main reason for the closing. The aim is to have the road back open prior to Christmas as a worst case scenario.


Please feel free to call if you need any additional information.


Rich Palmer

(302) 326-4411



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Thank you for the update.

I can't help but project that forward to when they start working at the entrance to our developments and start putting in the proposed circle. If they need 3-4 months to just put in a culvert crossing in the area that they're in now with the road closed, I don't want to think about how long they'll take when doing similar work on a road that they can't close given the nature of the enrance to our developments and there currently being only one way in and out. As for the utility relocation, if they're saying that there's a lot where they are now, I can't wait to hear the excuses that are sure to come since there's more at our entrance than there is where they are currently working. After all, all of our utility feeds cross Howell School Road down by the entrance. Things are going to be interesting!

Is the circle approved to be added.  I really don't want one, do we have any say in this matter?



I agree.  Under what circumstances was this traffic circle approved? And who is paying for it?  The State of Delaware (taxpayers)?


T-intersections work fine for three way traffic.  Adding this circle is only going to make it more difficult to maneuver through, not to mention snow removal and mowing the circular island in the center of the circle.


Why fix something if it isn't broken?

Bear, Delaware 19701