Mansion Farm

Trees Along Mansion Farm Drive Need Trimming

Posted in: Mansion Farm

Does anyone know who is responsible for trimming the trees along the Mansion Farm Drive drag?  Not sure if they belong to Mansion Farm or Caravel Woods.  They are hanging very low and could use some attention.

The Board has requested a bid to trim the trees on the 2nd  Island on People's Drive.  The 1st Island belongs to Caravel and were trimmed in the spring.  

The trees along Mansion Farm Drive, the Board just begon to evaluate what needs to be done for the dead, underbrush ad trimming.  


Any updates on these items?

We sent the bid request, but no final decision.  The budge is very tight and the expense of this summer's heat has hit the neighborhood hard with dead trees.  As the Board is concern and want to address this when we review the bids.  

Bear, Delaware 19701