Mansion Farm

Deed Violations

Posted in: Mansion Farm
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  • SWM
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 8 Posts

As a past board member, spending many years in deed violations, it's distressing to see many blatent violations in the community.  New neighbors move in - and their trash cans sit out - maybe that isn't such a big issue in the single family homes, but in the townhouse community, it's an eyesore.  There is a new, large, trampoline on Marble House (deed violation), and a new, retractable awning on Mystic Drive (deed violation - this homeowner has been here for years and should know it is not allowed).  I have been here for sixteen years - need a new deck -  I know it must be another pre-fab deck as close in color to the one I currently have.  I see white decks in the townhouse community - why are they still here?

The Board certainly shares your concern regarding the blatant violations. We have been in contact with the homeowners responsible for the trampoline as well as the oversized fencing in the Marble House Town Homes. A retractable awning would not be a Deed Violation but, requires Board approval as an alteration of the home exterior. Please let the Board know the location of the "white decks". We do allow white deck railings but, the main deck structure must be of composite material matching the other community decks. With 170+ Town Homes and Twins and not all decks readily visible it is difficult to know of all violations. We appreciate the help of the Community residents in reporting violations.
Bear, Delaware 19701