I attended the stakeholders meeting this morning and these are the updates: Final paving coat of Howell School to 896 has been delayed by pm temperatures. Roundabout was started on October 11th a utility conduit location has slowed progress. Inner Roundabout curbing will begin this Friday and progress to outer curbing next week. The road should open in mid December or early January. Do Not Enter signs at the new 896 intersection have been moved to a corrected location. A new blue sign will be located on Howell School indicating Caravel Woods and Mansion Farm replacing the one removed prior to the construction. The new Caravel Woods community sign will be constructed with faux brick walls for crash safety. It will be located on the East corner of Howell School/RC Peoples Blvd. and be lighted. The cost is being covered by State available funds. I asked if an addition could be made to the sign for Mansion Farm. Caravel Woods (Kate Gonzalez) refused. We may be able to get an additional blue community sign placed on the North corner of RC Peoples/Honora Dr. A letter to Earl Jaques was suggested and also that we may be able to get financial assistance with replacement of our 2 main signs. We may want to consider LED lighting for the main entrance sign as it appears there is power nearby. The next stakeholders meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28th.