150 ft Cell Phone Tower In Neighborhood NCC has rescheduled The meeting for the installation of 150 ft cell phone tower on Red Lion Rd for this Thursday June 28 at NCC board of adjustment on 87 Reads Way, at 6:00 pm. we need as many people as possible to attend this meeting to get this stopped. Please share with your neighbors, family and friends. If we don??™t take action these towers could start popping up every couple of miles in our rear yard view. Imagine seeing a 150 ft cell tower when sitting on your deck, patio, or porch, it will interfere with your home value, they have fallen on homes, and the long term effect of radiation to you, your kids, grandkids, family and friends, we just don??™t know. Take action this Thursday and Help stop these towers the from going in our residential communities. NCC needs to hear that this is not acceptable, they should not approve theses towers to be built in residential neighborhoods. NCC should only allow these towers to be built on large commercial or industrial lots, there are enough of these lots in our area to afford you all a good cell signal. No to our residential communities, No to our rear yards, No to bring down our home values. Again the Meeting is Thursday June 28, at 6:00 pm, new Castle County Bldg, Land Use, 87 Reads Way, New Castle DE