Mansion Farm

Old Farm land behind Carly court

Posted in: Mansion Farm

Who are the 'builders'/owners of the new development that is being developed behind Mansion Farms.  I would llike the civic association to ask them to mow the unruly weeds and grass that is growing up behind the houses on Carly court.  It has become a sore spot to look out the window and view the weeds that are now over 6' tall, attractiving unwanted animals, bugs, and insects.  This is something that would not be tolerated if one of the home owners in Mansion farms allowed their lawns to grown out of control.  Can someone from the civic assoc please respond and address this concern with the builders..

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  • gmom60
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 198 Posts

Why don't you try to go over to the sample house & talk to them. if they can't help call the county. 

Please report this issue to NCC. It is a violation of property maintenance per NCC Regulations. They will ask you for specific details and send an inspector to the site.
At our Fall Community Meeting last nite Sen. Nicole Poore agreed to assist us in getting this situation resolved.
Bear, Delaware 19701