I just noticed this on another website and thought it would be relevant to us also, so here is what I copied: Troopers Offer Safety Tips In Preparation for Forecasted Winter Storm Dover - In anticipation of this weekends forecasted winter storm the Delaware State Police would like to offer the following information and safety tips. While this particular snow event is not predicted to be significant in nature it is always a good idea to prepared and informed as we proceed through the winter storm season. For this weekends event the National Weather Service out of Mount Holly New Jersey is predicting snow accumulations of 2-4 inches locally with higher amounts possible for the southern portion of the state. As a result of the anticipated storm a winter weather advisory remains in effect from 7:00 p.m., Saturday, January 12 through 7:00 p.m., Sunday January, 13, 2019. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and decreased visibility, and use caution while driving. Delaware State Police statewide continue to plan and prepare for the forecasted winter storm, as they will be ready and available to patrol, assist disabled vehicles, and manage roadway incidents and hazards for the duration of the event. Most calls for service received by Troopers during winter storms are for vehicle crashes, disabled vehicles, and abandoned vehicles which cause a major problem for DelDOT snow removal equipment and for Troopers responding to emergency situations. Troopers strongly encourage motorists to avoid unnecessary travel. Troopers urge all motorists who must travel to use extreme caution as road and weather conditions may change rapidly over the course of the event: ?¦? Motorists should be prepared for snow-covered and slippery roads, along with strong winds and limited visibility which make driving conditions difficult. ?¦? Use caution while driving when approaching intersections and off ramps, especially bridges and overpasses. ?¦? Remember to reduce speed and increase following distance between vehicles. ?¦? Allow ample time to reach your destination, allow extra space between vehicles, and keep vehicle headlights on to increase visibility. This would be an excellent time to check your vehicle ensuring it is in good working order for the expected conditions: ?¦? Fill up the fuel tank in advance. ?¦? Check the windshield wipers, windshield wiper fluid, tire tread, battery life, etc. ?¦? If you should have vehicle problems, be sure to stay with your vehicle, as freezing temperatures can be life-threatening. ?¦? Be sure to have an emergency kit in the vehicle consisting of a blanket, bottled water, snack, cell phone charger, and a flashlight