Mansion Farm

H.O.A. increase

Posted in: Mansion Farm
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I thought at some point an itteration of the board discussed the 2/3 rule with our lawyers and it was determined that a vote needed to be passed by 2/3 of the people who voted, not 2/3 of the neighborhood had to vote.  We're never going to get 2/3 of the people to vote unless somebody goes door to door or sits out at each entrance to the neighborhood and gets people as they exit and enter.  I do agree that our yearly fee should be raised; I don't care about parties, easter egg hunts, or newsletters--but I think we all could agree that we like having the common areas cut and mulched and the ponds taken care of.


Speaking of that vacant land....I actually called the county last month regarding all the crap People's left behind (this was after I saw somebody dumping their "spring cleanup" branches etc out there).  Not sure how far it went, but they definitely seemed interested in addressing it and couldn't believe all of that stuff has been there for almost 15 years.  Maybe the fact that People's is selling the land will prompt them to clean up the failed construction project.  


Also, one other point...those mailboxes shouldn't be touched.  They are federal property and the postmaster specifically said "do not paint them."  


Thanks for all of your input. You are correct about the 2/3 vote...though it is only based on 2/3 of all owners who are up to date on their payment of dues. I was told that many years ago there was an effort to get approval on something, I think it was solar panels, and many board members and volunteers went door to door. I was also told that it was very difficult and took a lot of walking and many repeat visits. Just a huge effort that is not repeated often for that very reason. Of course we are always looking for volunteers to help with various projects, so that might be a good reason to solicit help from the community. We are not sure what is going on with that vacant land other than being told that Peoples is trying to sell it. About the mailboxes. I decided to contact USPS myself since I had been getting conflicting information about who is responsible for painting them. The person I spoke with said that he would have to ask someone and call me back with that answer. It turns out that even though the USPS folks install the mailboxes, they are not responsible for ALL of them after that. Some boxes become the property of the homeowners association or maintenance corporation after being installed, in which case they (not USPS) are responsible for maintaining them, I will post that answer once I get a definitive reply.

I remember the 2/3 vote discussion also.  I recall it was made by a jude who also happen to be a HOA President at the time.  I comment then that it seemed strange that a judge could make an off the bench ruling and questions this persons legal ethics.  It sure would be a shame to have to test this in in a real live court situation.  As far as the money situation goes I think  board needs to keep an option in front of them.  They may want to or  need to considered what every "Corporation" in America has the option to do in in most case exercise when their liabilities exceed their assets ---- file  for bankrupcy.

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I'm sorry--I probably wasn't clear in my statement.  I thought it was determined that a vote had to pass by 2/3, regardless of how many homeowners are in good standing.   So, if 100 people voted and 67 people voted yes, then the vote would pass.  But, I could see how that could have been misinterpreted on my end!  I swear that information was on this message board, but I can't seem to find it anymore.  


I remember two walking campaigns....and I think you are right, one was for solar panels; the other one was a group of frustrated neighbors who were attempting to run against members of the current board due to fiscal irresponsibility.  I always thought it was silly, but then I looked at what we were spending on landscaping back then compared to now and they were probably right.  


USPS is going to tell you that it's government property and can't be touched, but they'll have the carrier check to see if anything can be done on their end.  


Or maybe not....maybe they'll say:  "paint them!"  hell, we've had plenty of graffiti on power boxes and street signs....that's not legal, but it's done anyway! 





Bear, Delaware 19701