Mansion Farm

leaning tree

Posted in: Mansion Farm
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  • gmom60
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 198 Posts

Roger there a dead tree almost out of the hole on Mansion. It is a small tree & as you are going up mansion it is on the other side of megan. It's really behind Biltmore. Can't miss it. It is hanging outover the sidewalk. Can this be taken down?


Thank you. 

I am still trying to get an answer for you about that downed tree. To be clear, this IS on the common ground and not a tree planted by a homeowner, correct? I will let you know when I find out something. And this is not Roger. I am the secretary on the board, Nita. Thanks for letting us know.
Ok. Several board members are confused about your ??œdowned tree??? question. Two of us have separately driven up and down Mansion Farm Dr on either side of Megan looking for a tree on its side and overhanging the sidewalk and have not found what you described. I did see one tree that was leaning on the right side of Mansion Farm just past Megan as you head toward the new development on 896 and just before the barrier. Is that the tree you are talking about? That tree looks to me more like it is growing crooked and not that it has fallen down. Also, that tree does not overhang the sidewalk. Sorry. Guess we need more information.
  • Stock
  • gmom60
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 198 Posts

I did mean leaning serverly. The one you saw is the one I mean. it is on the common ground. it is almost out of it's hole. It might not overhang the sidewalk but it is very close to falling over. It is behind Biltmore. A small tree. Would not take much to push it over. 

Bear, Delaware 19701