Mansion Farm

Mansion dr

Posted in: Mansion Farm
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  • gmom60
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 198 Posts

So if Mansion farm owns only the trees on Mansion farm why aren't they thinned out and pruned & made to lool like a tree's? I'm sure it's money. How about the pine trees on Peoples blvd that hang out in the road. Now who do they belong too? if any tree is going to fall on a car it will be one of them. i guess they have a life expectancy too. wonder what that is? The board needs to be working with caravel woods to save trees not cut them down just because they have a little age on them. If they get thinned out like the first part they will last a good long time but I guess it's all about money! It's easier to cut them down. 

  • Stock
  • Gear107
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 11 Posts

My husband and I agree wholeheartedly. He is not on neighborhood link but you can certainly feel free to reach out to him via email (at which point he can give you his phone number). - maybe if we all band together we can acheive resolution.


Thank you


Bear, Delaware 19701